Add Citations to an RMarkdown Document and Print Bibliography

bib <- ReadBib(system.file("Bib", "biblatexExamples.bib", 
                           package = "RefManageR"), check = FALSE)
BibOptions(check.entries = FALSE, style = "markdown", = "numeric", = "numeric")

This is an R Markdown document. This is an example of a citation in the text r Citet(bib, 12, .opts = list(longnamesfirst = FALSE)). Now we cite in parentheses r AutoCite(bib, "baez/online", before = "e.g., "). You can change the default options in a setup chunk at the start of the document or at any other point using the BibOptions function or by specifying options as a list in the .opts argument to the cite functions.

See what happens when r AutoCite(bib, author = "kant") use the shorthand field?

These are reports r Citet(bib, bibtype = "Report", .opts = list(hyperlink = "to.doc", super = TRUE)). Their hyperlinks go to their entry in the bibliography. The link for r AutoCite(bib, "markey") will take you to the document in a new window; this is the default behaviour, if a link is available (see ?open.BibEntry). The following citation has no hyperlink r AutoCite(bib, location = "Uppsala", .opts = list(hyperlink = FALSE)). You can also embed plots, for example:


r NoCite(bib = bib, title = "CTAN")I've added a reference to CTAN without citing it. Look at all my Aristotle: r AutoCite(bib, author = "Aristotle").


Some papers on the arXiv are r TextCite(bib, eprinttype = "arxiv").


PrintBibliography(bib, .opts = list(check.entries = FALSE))

ropensci/RefManageR documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 9:32 p.m.