
#' get_awsbike_files
#' Returns list of URLs for each trip data file from nominated Amazon Web
#' Services system
#' @param name Name of the AWS bucket in which data are stored
#' @return List of URLs used to download data
#' @note bukets which work straight from AWS are
#' c ("tripdata", "capitalbikeshare-data", "hubway-data") for the cities
#' c ("ny", "dc", "bo"), respectively.
#' @noRd
get_aws_bike_files <- function (bucket) {

    host <- "https://s3.amazonaws.com"
    aws_url <- sprintf ("https://%s.s3.amazonaws.com", bucket)

    doc <- httr::content (httr::GET (aws_url), encoding = "UTF-8")
    nodes <- xml2::xml_children (doc)
    # NOTE: xml2::xml_find_all (doc, ".//Key") should work here but doesn't, so
    # this manually does what that would do
    files <- lapply (nodes, function (i)
                     if (grepl ("zip|csv", i))
                         strsplit (strsplit (as.character (i),
                                 "<Key>") [[1]] [2], "</Key>") [[1]] [1])
    files <- unlist (files)

    # nyc citibike data has a redundamt file as first item
    if (bucket == "tripdata")
        files <- files [2:length (files)]

    paste0 (host, "/", bucket, "/", files)

#' get_london_bike_files
#' Returns list of URLs for each trip data file from London's Santander Cycles
#' system
#' @return List of URLs used to download data
#' @noRd
get_london_bike_files <- function () {

    # First get list of base file names from AWS:
    aws_url <- "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cycling.data.tfl.gov.uk/"
    doc <- httr::content (httr::GET (aws_url), encoding  =  "UTF-8")
    nodes <- xml2::xml_children (doc)
    getflist <- function (nodes, type = "zip") {

        f <- lapply (nodes, function (i) if (grepl (type, i))
                     strsplit (strsplit (as.character (i), "<Key>") [[1]] [2],
                               "</Key>") [[1]] [1])
        basename (unlist (f))
    flist_zip <- getflist (nodes, type = "zip")
    flist_zip <- flist_zip [which (grepl ("usage", flist_zip))]
    flist_csv <- getflist (nodes, type = "csv")
    flist_xlsx <- getflist (nodes, type = "xlsx")

    # Then convert to tfl.gov.uk filenames
    addr_base <- "http://cycling.data.tfl.gov.uk/usage-stats/"
    paste0 (addr_base, sort (c (flist_zip, flist_csv, flist_xlsx)))

#' get_nabsa_files
#' Get list of URL for trip data from North American Bike Share Association
#' systems (currently LA and Philly).
#' @noRd
get_nabsa_files <- function (city) {

    if (city == "ph")
        the_url <- "https://www.rideindego.com/about/data/"
    else if (city == "la")
        the_url <- "https://bikeshare.metro.net/about/data/"
        stop ("nabsa cities must be ph or la")

    doc <- httr::content (httr::GET (the_url), encoding = "UTF-8",
                          as = "parsed")
    hrefs <- xml2::xml_attr (xml2::xml_find_all (doc, ".//a"), "href")
    hrefs <- hrefs [which (grepl ("\\.zip", hrefs) &
                           !grepl ("[Ss]tation", hrefs))]

    if (city == "la") {

        the_url_sh <- "https://bikeshare.metro.net/"
        hrefs <- as.character (vapply (hrefs, function (i)
                                       gsub ("../../", the_url_sh, i,
                                             fixed = TRUE),

    return (hrefs)

#' get_montreal_bike_files
#' Returns list of URLs for each trip data file from Montreal's Bixi system
#' @return List of URLs used to download data
#' @noRd
get_montreal_bike_files <- function () {

    host <- "https://montreal.bixi.com/en/open-data"
    . <- NULL # suppress R CMD check note #nolint
    nodes <- httr::content (httr::GET (host), encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
        xml2::xml_find_all (".//div")
    nodes <- nodes [which (xml2::xml_attr (nodes, "class") ==
                           "container open-data-history")]
    hrefs <- xml2::xml_find_all (nodes, ".//a") %>%
        xml2::xml_attr ("href")
    unique (hrefs)

#' get_guadala_bike_files
#' Returns list of URLs for each trip data file from Guadalajara's mibici system
#' @return List of URLs used to download data
#' @noRd
get_guadala_bike_files <- function () {

    host_base <- "https://www.mibici.net"
    host <- paste0 (host_base, "/en/open-data/")
    . <- NULL # suppress R CMD check note #nolint
    nodes <- httr::content (httr::GET (host), encoding = "UTF-8") %>%
        xml2::xml_find_all (".//div")
    nodes <- nodes [which (xml2::xml_attr (nodes, "class") ==
                           "unit one-quarter")]
    hrefs <- xml2::xml_find_all (nodes, ".//a") %>%
        xml2::xml_attr ("href")
    hrefs <- paste0 (host_base, hrefs [grepl ("datos", hrefs)])
    unique (hrefs)

#' get_bike_files
#' Returns list of URLs for each trip data file from nominated system
#' @param city The city for which data are to be obtained
#' @return List of URLs used to download data
#' @noRd
get_bike_files <- function (city) {

    aws_cities <- c ("ny", "dc", "bo", "sf", "ch")
    buckets <- c ("tripdata", "capitalbikeshare-data",
                  "hubway-data", "fordgobike-data", "divvy-data")
    nabsa_cities <- c ("la", "ph")

    if (city %in% aws_cities) {

        bucket <- buckets [match (city, aws_cities)]
        files <- get_aws_bike_files (bucket)
    } else if (city %in% nabsa_cities)
        files <- get_nabsa_files (city = city)
    else if (city == "gu")
        files <- get_guadala_bike_files ()
    else if (city == "lo")
        files <- get_london_bike_files ()
    else if (city == "mn")
        warning ("Data for the Nice Ride MN system must be downloaded ",
                 "manually from\nhttps://www.niceridemn.com/system-data/, and ",
                 "loaded using store_bikedata")
    else if (city == "mo")
        files <- get_montreal_bike_files ()

    return (files)
ropensci/bikedata documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 6:04 a.m.