
#' convert hms to 'HH:MM:SS'
#' @param x A numeric or character object to to be converted
#' @return A string formatted to 'HH:MM:SS'
#' @noRd
convert_hms <- function (x) {

    if (is.numeric (x)) {

        if (nchar (x) <= 2) { # presume it's HH

            if (x < 0 | x > 24)
                stop ("hms values must be between 0 and 24")
            if (x < 24)
                res <- paste0 (sprintf ("%02d", x), ":00:00")
                res <- paste0 (23, ":59:59")
        } else if (nchar (x) == 4) {

            res <- paste0 (substring (x, 1, 2), ":", substring (x, 3, 4),
        } else if (nchar (x) == 6) {

            res <- paste0 (substring (x, 1, 2), ":", substring (x, 3, 4),
                           ":", substring (x, 5, 6))
        } else {
            stop ("Unable to convert time value")
    } else if (is.character (x)) {

        # split at all non-numeric characters
        x <- vapply (strsplit (x, "[^0-9]") [[1]], as.numeric, numeric (1))
        if (length (x) == 0)
            stop ("Can not convert to hms without numeric values")
        if (length (x) == 1) {

            if (x < 24)
                res <- paste0 (sprintf ("%02d", x [1]), ":00:00")
                res <- paste0 (23, ":59:59")
        else if (length (x) == 2)
            res <- paste0 (sprintf ("%02d", x [1]), ":",
                           sprintf ("%02d", x [2]), ":00")
        else if (length (x) == 3)
            res <- paste0 (sprintf ("%02d", x [1]), ":",
                           sprintf ("%02d", x [2]), ":",
                           sprintf ("%02d", x [2]))
            warning ("only first 3 numeric components used to convert to hms")
    } else
        stop ("hms values must be either numeric or character")

    return (res)

#' convert ymd to 'YYYY-MM-DD'
#' @param x A numeric or character object to to be converted
#' @return A string formatted to 'YYYY-MM-DD'
#' lubridate::ymd requires a day to be specified. This function just appends
#' days (and months where necessary) where they don't exist.
#' @noRd
convert_ymd <- function (x) {

    if (is.numeric (x)) { # presume it's HH

        if (nchar (x) == 2) # can only be YY
            x <- as.numeric (paste0 ("20", x, "0101"))
        else if (nchar (x) == 4) { # Either YYYY or YYMM

            if (substring (x, 1, 2) == "20")
                x <- as.numeric (paste0 (x, "0101"))
                x <- as.numeric (paste0 ("20", x, "01"))
        } else if (nchar (x) == 6 & substring (x, 1, 2) == "20")
            x <- as.numeric (paste0 (x, "01"))
    } else {

        xsp <- strsplit (x, "[[:space:]]|[[:punct:]]") [[1]]
        if (length (xsp) == 1)
            x <- paste (c (xsp, "01", "01"), collapse = " ")
        if (length (xsp) == 2)
            x <- paste (c (xsp, "01"), collapse = " ")

    paste0 (lubridate::ymd (x))

#" convert weekday vector to numbered weekdays
#' @param wd Vector of numeric or character denoting weekdays
#' @return Equivalent character vector of numbered weekdays
#' @noRd
convert_weekday <- function (wd) {

    if (!is.numeric (wd)) {

        if (!is.character (wd))
            stop ("don't know how to convert weekdays of class ", class (wd))
        wdlist <- c ("sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday",
                     "thursday", "friday", "saturday")
        wd <- vapply (tolower (wd), function (i) {

                          res <- grep (paste0 ("\\<", i), wdlist)
                          if (length (res) != 1)
                              res <- NA
                          return (res)
                      numeric (1))
        if (any (is.na (wd)))
            stop ("weekday specification is ambiguous")
    } else if (any (!wd %in% 1:7))
        stop ("weekdays must be between 1 and 7")
    return (paste (sort (wd) - 1)) # sql is 0-indexed

# ------ functions for converting "dates" arg of dl_bikedata

#' Paste "20" onto start of any 2-digit years
#' @noRd
prepend_year <- function (x) {

    if (any (nchar (x) == 2))
        x [which (nchar (x) == 2)] <- paste0 ("20", x [which (nchar (x) == 2)])
    return (x)

#' Paste Jan and Dec respectively on to first and last value of year vector
#' @noRd
add_month_range <- function (x) {

    x [1] <- paste0 (x [1], "01")
    x [2] <- paste0 (x [2], "12")
    return (x)

#' Convert arbitrary character or numeric month to standard two-digit format
#' @noRd
convert_month <- function (x) {

    if (is.numeric (x))
        x <- paste0 (x)
    if (!is.numeric (utils::type.convert (x))) {

        x <- substring (tolower (x), 1, 3)
        x <- pmatch (x, tolower (month.abb))
    if (any (nchar (x) == 1))
        x [which (nchar (x) == 1)] <- paste0 ("0", x [which (nchar (x) == 1)])

    return (x)

#' Expand start and end dates given as YYYYMM to sequential range
#' @param x Vector of one or two values giving start and potential end dates as
#' @return Vector all all sequential months between start and end dates of x
#' @noRd
expand_dates_to_range <- function (x) {

    if (length (x) == 2) {

        if (identical (substring (x [1], 1, 4), substring (x [2], 1, 4)))
            x <- x [1]:x [2]
        else {

            yy <- unique (substring (x, 1, 4))
            yy <- yy [1]:yy [2]
            xstart <- paste0 (yy [1], substring (x [1], 5, 6))
            xstart_12 <- paste0 (yy [1], "12")
            xstart <- paste0 (as.numeric (xstart):as.numeric (xstart_12))
            xend_1 <- paste0 (utils::tail (yy, 1), "01")
            xend <- paste0 (utils::tail (yy, 1), substring (x [2], 5, 6))
            xend <- paste0 (as.numeric (xend_1):as.numeric (xend))
            xmid <- NULL
            if (length (yy) > 2) {

                ymid <- yy [2:(length (yy) - 1)]
                mm <- c (paste0 ("0", 1:9), paste0 (10:12))
                xmid <- vapply (ymid, function (i)
                                paste0 (i, mm), FUN.VALUE = character (12))
            x <- c (xstart, xmid, xend)

    return (unique (x))

#' Convert vector of dates returned by \code{expand_dates_to_range} to
#' appropriate character format matching file names for designed city
#' Different cities use different date formats for their data files. While
#' NY and Boston use simple "YYYYMM" formats, other cities (DC, LA, Chicago,
#' Philly) disseminate data quarterly or with corresponding file names. London
#' is it's own unique case.
#' @param x Vector of dates in YYYYMM format
#' @param city City for which dates to be matched
#' @return Vector of YYYY_Q1-style date specifications to be matched against
#' file names for designated city
#' @noRd
convert_dates_to_filenames <- function (x, city = "ny") {

    yy <- substring (x, 1, 4)
    if (city == "ch") {

        # Chicago has 2013 bundled as single file, after which
        # YYYY_Q1Q2 or YYYY_Q3Q4
        indx13 <- which (grepl ("2013", paste0 (x)))
        indx <- which (!seq (x) %in% indx13)
        x <- x [indx]
        hh <- ceiling (as.numeric (substring (x, 5, 6)) / 6)
        hh [hh == 1] <- "Q1Q2"
        hh [hh == 2] <- "Q3Q4"
        x <- unique (c (paste0 (yy [indx], "_", hh),
                        paste0 (yy [indx], "-", hh)))
        if (length (indx13) > 0)
            x <- c ("2013", x)
    } else if (city == "bo") {

        # Boston now has 2011-2013 bundled as single files, and 2014 bundled as
        # two files
        for (i in paste0 (2011:2013)) {

            indx <- which (grepl (i, paste0 (x)))
            if (length (indx) > 0) {

                x <- x [which (!seq (x) %in% indx)]
                x <- c (i, x)
        indx14 <- grep ("2014", paste0 (x))
        if (length (indx14) > 0) {

            x14 <- x [indx14]
            x <- x [which (!seq (x) %in% indx14)]

            x14a <- vapply (paste0 (201401:201406), function (i)
                            any (grepl (i, x14)), logical (1))
            if (any (x14a))
                x <- c ("2014_1", x)
            x14b <- vapply (paste0 (201407:201412), function (i)
                            any (grepl (i, x14)), logical (1))
            if (any (x14b))
                x <- c ("2014_2", x)
    } else if (city == "lo") {

        indx1 <- which (yy < 2015)
        indx2 <- which (yy >= 2015)
        x1 <- yy [indx1]
        x <- x [indx2]
        if (length (x) > 0) {

            mm <- month.abb [as.numeric (substring (x, 5, 6))]
            x <- c (paste0 (mm, yy),
                    paste0 (mm, substring (yy, 3, 4), "[[:punct:]]"))
        x <- unique (c (x, x1))
    } else if (city %in% c ("la", "ph")) {

        # LA uses both "YYYY_QX" and "QX_YYYY"
        qq <- paste0 ("Q", ceiling (as.numeric (substring (x, 5, 6)) / 3))
        if (city == "dc")
            x <- unique (paste0 (yy, "-", qq))
            x <- unique (c (paste0 (yy, "_", qq), paste0 (qq, "_", yy),
                            paste0 (yy, "-", qq), paste0 (qq, "-", yy),
                            paste0 (yy, qq)))
    } else if (city %in% c ("mo")) { # annual file dumps

        x <- unique (yy)
        x <- x [which (x > 2013)]
    } else if (city %in% c ("dc")) { # annual up to current year

        yr <- substr (Sys.Date (), 1, 4)
        x <- c (unique (yy [which (yy < yr)]), x [which (yy == yr)])
    } else if (city %in% c ("gu")) { # strict YYYY_MM

        mm <- sprintf ("%02i", as.integer (substring (x, 5, 6)))
        x <- unique (paste0 (yy, "_", mm))
    } else
        x <- paste0 (x)

    return (x)

#' Convert dates argument for dl_bikedata to single start and end values in
#' YYYYMM format.
#' @param dates Specified range of dates in almost any format
#' @return Vector of one or two YYYYMM values
#' @noRd
bike_convert_dates <- function (dates) {

    if (is.numeric (dates)) {

        if (length (dates) > 2)
            dates <- c (dates [1], utils::tail (dates, 1))
        if (length (unique (nchar (dates))) > 1)
            stop ("Ambiguous dates format")
        if (all (nchar (dates) == 2))
            dates <- 200000 + 100 * dates + c (1, 12)
        else if (all (nchar (dates) == 4))
            dates <- 100 * dates + c (1, 12)
    } else {

        dates <- strsplit (dates, "[[:space:]]|[[:punct:]]") [[1]]
        if (length (dates) > 4)
            stop ("Cannot determine date range")
        if (length (dates) == 1) {

            if (nchar (dates) < 6)
                dates <- add_month_range (rep (prepend_year (dates), 2))
        } else if (length (dates) == 2) {

            # either range of years or year + month
            if (all (nchar (dates) == 2)) {

                if (as.numeric (dates [2]) > 12) # try year-year
                    dates <- add_month_range (prepend_year (dates))
                else # try single year-month
                    dates <- paste0 (prepend_year (dates [1]),
                                     convert_month (dates [2]))
            } else if (all (nchar (dates) == 4)) # presume year-year
                dates <- add_month_range (dates)
            else if (!all (nchar (dates) == 6)) # presume year + month
                dates <- paste0 (prepend_year (dates [1]),
                                 convert_month (dates [2]))
        } else if (length (dates) == 3) {

            # presume year + month-month
            dates [1] <- prepend_year (dates [1])
            dates <- c (paste0 (dates [1], convert_month (dates [2])),
                        paste0 (dates [1], convert_month (dates [3])))
        } else {

            # length  == 4: year-month year-month
            dates [c (1, 3)] <- prepend_year (dates [c (1, 3)])
            dates [c (2, 4)] <- convert_month (dates [c (2, 4)])
            dates <- c (paste0 (dates [1], dates [2]),
                        paste0 (dates [3], dates [4]))

    return (as.numeric (dates))
ropensci/bikedata documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 6:04 a.m.