
Defines functions .onAttach

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {       # nolint
    msg <- paste0 ("Data for London, U.K. powered by TfL Open Data:\n",
                   "  Contains OS data \u24B8 Crown copyright and ",
                   "database rights 2016\n",
                   "Data for New York City provided and owned by:\n",
                   "  NYC Bike Share, LLC and ",
                   "Jersey City Bike Share, LLC (\"Bikeshare\")\n",
                   "  see https://www.citibikenyc.com/data-sharing-policy\n",
                   "Data for Washington DC (Captialbikeshare), ",
                   "Chiago (Divvybikes) and Boston (Hubway)\n",
                   "  provided and owned by Motivate International Inc.\n",
                   "  see https://www.capitalbikeshare.com/data-license-agreement\n", #nolint
                   "  and https://www.divvybikes.com/data-license-agreement\n",
                   "  and https://www.thehubway.com/data-license-agreement\n",
                   "Nice Ride Minnesota license",
                   "  https://assets.niceridemn.com/data-license-agreement.html")       # nolint
    packageStartupMessage (msg)

.onLoad <- function (libname, pkgname) {          # nolint

    requireNamespace("utils", quietly = TRUE)
    # make data set names global to avoid CHECK notes
    utils::globalVariables ("sysdata")
    f <- file.path (tempdir (), "bikedata_headers.csv")
    # write.csv calls write.table, and the latter can then not be found on some
    # systems (including travis), even with requireNamespace. Safer to directly
    # and explicitly call the fns here:
    #utils::write.csv (sysdata$headers, file = f, row.names = FALSE)
    utils::write.table (sysdata$headers, file = f, row.names = FALSE,
                        sep = ",")
    f <- file.path (tempdir (), "field_names.csv")
    #utils::write.csv (sysdata$field_names, file = f,
    #                  row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
    utils::write.table (sysdata$field_names, file = f, row.names = FALSE,
                        quote = FALSE, sep = ",")

    invisible ()
ropensci/bikedata documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 6:04 a.m.