duplicates: Remove duplicates in a *c14_date_list*

duplicatesR Documentation

Remove duplicates in a c14_date_list


Duplicates are found by comparison of labnrs. Only dates with exactly equal labnrs are considered duplicates. Duplicate groups are numbered (from 0) and these numbers linked to the individual dates in a internal column duplicate_group. If you only want to see this grouping without removing anything use the mark_only flag. c14bazAAR::remove_duplicates() can remove duplicates with three different strategies according to the value of the arguments preferences and supermerge:

  1. Option 1: By merging all dates in a duplicate_group. All non-equal variables in the duplicate group are turned to NA. This is the default option.

  2. Option 2: By selecting individual database entries in a duplicate_group according to a trust hierarchy as defined by the parameter preferences. In case of duplicates within one database the first occurrence in the table (top down) is selected. All databases not mentioned in preferences are dropped.

  3. Option 3: Like option 2, but in this case the different datasets in a duplicate_group are merged column by column to create a superdataset with a maximum of information. The column sourcedb is dropped in this case to indicate that multiple databases have been merged. Data citation is a lot more difficult with this option. It can be activated with supermerge.

The option log allows to add a new column duplicate_remove_log that documents the variety of values provided by all databases for this duplicated date.


  preferences = NULL,
  supermerge = FALSE,
  log = TRUE,
  mark_only = FALSE

## Default S3 method:
  preferences = NULL,
  supermerge = FALSE,
  log = TRUE,
  mark_only = FALSE

## S3 method for class 'c14_date_list'
  preferences = NULL,
  supermerge = FALSE,
  log = TRUE,
  mark_only = FALSE



an object of class c14_date_list


character vector with the order of source databases by which the deduping should be executed. If e.g. preferences = c("radon", "calpal") and a certain date appears in radon and euroevol, then only the radon entry remains. Default: NULL. With preferences = NULL all overlapping, conflicting information in individual columns of one duplicated date is removed. See Option 2 and 3.


boolean. Should the duplicated datasets be merged on the column level? Default: FALSE. See Option 3.


logical. If log = TRUE, an additional column is added that contains a string documentation of all variants of the information for one date from all conflicting databases. Default = TRUE.


boolean. Should duplicates not be removed, but only indicated? Default: FALSE.


an object of class c14_date_list with the additional columns duplicate_group or duplicate_remove_log



test_data <- tibble::tribble(
  ~sourcedb, ~labnr,  ~c14age, ~c14std,
 "A",       "lab-1", 1100,    10,
 "A",       "lab-1", 2100,    20,
 "B",       "lab-1", 3100,    30,
 "A",       "lab-2", NA,      10,
 "B",       "lab-2", 2200,    20,
 "C",       "lab-3", 1300,    10
) %>% as.c14_date_list()

# remove duplicates with option 1:
test_data %>% remove_duplicates()

# remove duplicates with option 2:
test_data %>% remove_duplicates(
  preferences = c("A", "B")

# remove duplicates with option 3:
test_data %>% remove_duplicates(
  preferences = c("A", "B"),
  supermerge = TRUE

ropensci/c14bazAAR documentation built on Feb. 10, 2025, 10:02 p.m.