
Parsing codemeta data

NB: sources moved to vignettes

write_codemeta("codemetar", "codemeta.json")

Digest input with a frame:

frame <- system.file("schema/frame_schema.json", package="codemetar")

meta <- 
  jsonld_frame("codemeta.json", frame) %>%
  fromJSON(FALSE) %>% getElement("@graph") %>% getElement(1)

Construct a citation

authors <- 
         person(given = author$given, 
                family = author$family, 
                email = author$email,
                role = "aut"))
year <- meta$datePublished
  year <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")
bibitem <- 
     bibtype = "Manual",
     title = meta$name,
     author = authors,
     year = year,
     note = paste0("R package version ", meta$version),
     url = meta$URL,
     key = meta$identifier

cat(format(bibitem, "bibtex"))
## @Manual{codemetar,
##   title = {codemetar: Generate CodeMeta Metadata for R Packages},
##   author = {Carl Boettiger},
##   year = {2017},
##   note = {R package version 0.1.0},
## }
## Boettiger C (2017). _codemetar: Generate CodeMeta Metadata for R
## Packages_. R package version 0.1.0.

Parsing the ropensci corpus

Frame, expanding any referenced nodes

corpus <- 
    jsonld_frame("ropensci.json", frame) %>%
    fromJSON(simplifyVector = FALSE) %>%

Some basics:

## deal with nulls explicitly by starting with map
pkgs <- map(corpus, "name") %>% compact() %>% as.character()

# keep only those with package identifiers (names)
keep <- map_lgl(corpus, ~ length(.x$identifier) > 0)
corpus <- corpus[keep]

## now we can just do
all_pkgs <- map_chr(corpus, "name")
## [1] "AntWeb: programmatic interface to the AntWeb"                                
## [2] "aRxiv: Interface to the arXiv API"                                           
## [3] "chromer: Interface to Chromosome Counts Database API"                        
## [4] "ckanr: Client for the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network ('CKAN') 'API'"
## [5] "dashboard: A package status dashboard"                                       
## [6] "ggit: Git Graphics"
## 60 unique maintainers
map_chr(corpus, c("maintainer", "familyName")) %>% unique() %>% length()
## [1] 61
## Mostly Scott
map_chr(corpus, c("maintainer", "familyName")) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>%
  group_by(value) %>%

| value | n| |:-------------|----:| | Chamberlain | 105| | Ooms | 12| | Mullen | 8| | Ram | 8| | Boettiger | 6| | Salmon | 5| | FitzJohn | 4| | Hart | 2| | Leeper | 2| | Marwick | 2| | Müller | 2| | Padgham | 2| | South | 2| | Varela | 2| | Vitolo | 2| | Arnold | 1| | Attali | 1| | Banbury | 1| | Becker | 1| | Bengtsson | 1| | Braginsky | 1| | Broman | 1| | Bryan | 1| | Dallas | 1| | de Queiroz | 1| | Drost | 1| | Fischetti | 1| | Ghahraman | 1| | Goring | 1| | hackathoners | 1| | Harrison | 1| | Hughes | 1| | Jahn | 1| | Jones | 1| | Keyes | 1| | Krah | 1| | Lehtomaki | 1| | Lovelace | 1| | Lundstrom | 1| | McGlinn | 1| | McVey | 1| | Meissner | 1| | Michonneau | 1| | Moroz | 1| | Otegui | 1| | Pardo | 1| | Pennell | 1| | Poelen | 1| | Robinson | 1| | Ross | 1| | Rowlingson | 1| | Scott | 1| | Seers | 1| | Shotwell | 1| | Sievert | 1| | Sparks | 1| | Stachelek | 1| | Szöcs | 1| | Widgren | 1| | Wiggin | 1| | Winter | 1|

## number of co-authors ... 
map_int(corpus, function(r) length(r$author)) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>%
  group_by(value) %>%

| value| n| |------:|----:| | 1| 146| | 2| 30| | 3| 17| | 4| 8| | 5| 5| | 7| 3| | 13| 1|

## Contributors isn't used as much...
map_int(corpus, function(r) length(r$contributor)) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>%
  group_by(value) %>%

| value| n| |------:|----:| | 0| 178| | 2| 13| | 4| 9| | 3| 7| | 5| 1| | 6| 1| | 8| 1|

Numbers (n) of packages with a total of (value) dependencies:

map_int(corpus, function(r) length(r$softwareRequirements))  %>% 
  as_tibble() %>%
  group_by(value) %>%

| value| n| |------:|----:| | 4| 39| | 5| 35| | 2| 25| | 3| 25| | 7| 19| | 6| 16| | 8| 13| | 9| 8| | 12| 7| | 10| 6| | 11| 6| | 13| 3| | 0| 2| | 14| 1| | 17| 1| | 18| 1| | 21| 1| | 22| 1| | 23| 1|

which dependencies are used most frequently?

corpus %>%
  ## single, unboxed dep
  if("name" %in% names(x$softwareRequirements))
    dep <- x$name
  else if("name" %in% names(x$softwareRequirements[[1]]))
    dep <- map_chr(x$softwareRequirements, "name")
  else { ## No requirementsß
    dep <- NA

  tibble(identifier = x$identifier, dep = dep)
}) -> dep_df

dep_df %>%
group_by(dep) %>% 
  tally(sort = TRUE)

| dep | n| |:-----------------------------------------------------------------|----:| | jsonlite | 99| | httr | 92| | R | 66| | tibble | 46| | dplyr | 43| | methods | 37| | xml2 | 37| | data.table | 35| | utils | 35| | crul | 31| | plyr | 29| | XML | 25| | magrittr | 24| | sp | 22| | stringr | 21| | curl | 18| | ggplot2 | 18| | lazyeval | 17| | stats | 17| | lubridate | 14| | R6 | 14| | rappdirs | 13| | assertthat | 12| | digest | 12| | RCurl | 12| | readr | 11| | rgdal | 10| | whisker | 10| | scales | 9| | ape | 8| | raster | 8| | tidyr | 8| | Rcpp | 7| | reshape2 | 7| | rvest | 7| | rgeos | 6| | V8 | 6| | hoardr | 5| | rjson | 5| | taxize | 5| | tools | 5| | git2r | 4| | maps | 4| | oai | 4| | openssl | 4| | R(>=3.2.1) | 4| | solrium | 4| | urltools | 4| | foreach | 3| | knitr | 3| | leaflet | 3| | maptools | 3| | memoise | 3| | mime | 3| | pdftools | 3| | purrr | 3| | RColorBrewer | 3| | rgbif | 3| | rmarkdown | 3| | shiny | 3| | spocc | 3| | stringi | 3| | uuid | 3| | wicket | 3| | yaml | 3| | base64enc | 2| | bibtex | 2| | Biostrings | 2| | crayon | 2| | devtools | 2| | downloader | 2| | fauxpas | 2| | gdata | 2| | gistr | 2| | graphics | 2| | grid | 2| | htmltools | 2| | htmlwidgets | 2| | httpcode | 2| | igraph | 2| | jqr | 2| | MASS | 2| | miniUI | 2| | ncdf4 | 2| | png | 2| | R.cache | 2| | R.utils | 2| | rcrossref | 2| | rentrez | 2| | reshape | 2| | rmapshaper | 2| | rplos | 2| | rvertnet | 2| | shinyjs | 2| | storr | 2| | tm | 2| | NA | 2| | analogue | 1| | antiword: Extract Text from Microsoft Word Documents | 1| | apipkgen: Package Generator for HTTP API Wrapper Packages | 1| | appl: Approximate POMDP Planning Software | 1| | aRxiv | 1| | binman | 1| | Biobase | 1| | BiocGenerics | 1| | biomaRt | 1| | bold | 1| | caTools | 1| | ckanr | 1| | cld2: Google's Compact Language Detector 2 | 1| | countrycode | 1| | cranlogs | 1| | crminer | 1| | crosstalk | 1| | DBI | 1| | dirdf: Extracts Metadata from Directory and File Names | 1| | doParallel | 1| | DT(>=0.1) | 1| | elastic | 1| | EML | 1| | fastmatch | 1| | foreign | 1| | functionMap | 1| | genderdata: Historical Datasets for Predicting Gender from Names | 1| | GenomeInfoDb | 1| | GenomicFeatures | 1| | GenomicRanges(>=1.23.24) | 1| | geoaxe | 1| | geojson | 1| | geojsonrewind: Fix 'GeoJSON' Winding Direction | 1| | geonames | 1| | geoops: 'GeoJSON' Manipulation Operations | 1| | geosphere | 1| | getPass | 1| | ggm | 1| | ggmap | 1| | ggthemes | 1| | graphql | 1| | grDevices | 1| | gridExtra | 1| | gtools | 1| | hash | 1| | hexbin | 1| | historydata: Data Sets for Historians | 1| | Hmisc | 1| | httpuv | 1| | IRanges | 1| | isdparser | 1| | jsonvalidate | 1| | jsonvalidate: Validate 'JSON' | 1| | leafletR | 1| | loggr | 1| | mapproj | 1| | markdown | 1| | Matrix | 1| | memisc | 1| | miniUI(>=0.1.1) | 1| | nabor | 1| | natserv | 1| | openxlsx | 1| | osmar | 1| | outliers | 1| | pdftools: Text Extraction and Rendering of PDF Documents | 1| | phytools | 1| | plotly | 1| | plumber | 1| | progress | 1| | protolite | 1| | qlcMatrix | 1| | RApiSerialize | 1| | rapport | 1| | rbhl | 1| | rbison | 1| | rebird | 1| | redland | 1| | redux | 1| | remotes | 1| | ridigbio | 1| | ritis | 1| | rJava | 1| | RJSONIO | 1| | rlist | 1| | Rmpfr | 1| | RMySQL | 1| | rncl | 1| | rnoaa | 1| | rnrfa | 1| | rotl | 1| | rowr | 1| | RPostgreSQL | 1| | rredis | 1| | rredlist | 1| | RSQLite | 1| | rstudioapi(>=0.5) | 1| | rtracklayer | 1| | rworldmap | 1| | rzmq: R Bindings for ZeroMQ | 1| | S4Vectors | 1| | scrapeR | 1| | selectr | 1| | sf | 1| | shiny(>=0.13.2) | 1| | snow | 1| | SnowballC | 1| | spatstat | 1| | SSOAP | 1| | stringdist | 1| | sys | 1| | tabulizerjars | 1| | testthat | 1| | tif: Text Interchange Format | 1| | USAboundariesData: Datasets for the 'USAboundaries' package | 1| | VariantAnnotation | 1| | viridisLite | 1| | wdman(>=0.2.2) | 1| | wellknown | 1| | wicket: Utilities to Handle WKT Spatial Data | 1| | WikidataR | 1| | wikitaxa | 1| | withr | 1| | worrms | 1| | xslt: XSLT 1.0 Transformations | 1| | zoo | 1|

Alternate approach using a frame, gets all Depends and suggests (really all SoftwareApplication types mentioned)

dep_frame <- '{
  "@context": "",
  "@explicit": "true",
  "name": {}
jsonld_frame("ropensci.json", dep_frame) %>% 
  fromJSON() %>% 
  getElement("@graph") %>%
  filter(type == "SoftwareApplication") %>%
  group_by(name) %>% 
  tally(sort = TRUE)

| name | n| |:----------------------------|----:| | testthat | 168| | knitr | 122| | jsonlite | 105| | httr | 96| | roxygen2 | 92| | R | 72| | rmarkdown | 68| | covr | 52| | dplyr | 49| | tibble | 48| | xml2 | 41| | methods | 38| | utils | 37| | data.table | 36| | ggplot2 | 36| | crul | 33| | plyr | 32| | magrittr | 28| | sp | 26| | XML | 25| | curl | 21| | stringr | 21| | lazyeval | 18| | stats | 18| | lubridate | 16| | R6 | 14| | readr | 14| | rgdal | 14| | rappdirs | 13| | assertthat | 12| | devtools | 12| | digest | 12| | raster | 12| | RCurl | 12| | scales | 12| | Rcpp | 11| | whisker | 11| | leaflet | 10| | rgeos | 10| | taxize | 10| | tidyr | 10| | reshape2 | 9| | ape | 8| | maps | 8| | V8 | 8| | maptools | 7| | purrr | 7| | rvest | 7| | pdftools | 6| | rgbif | 6| | shiny | 6| | ggmap | 5| | git2r | 5| | hoardr | 5| | ncdf4 | 5| | png | 5| | rjson | 5| | tools | 5| | oai | 4| | openssl | 4| | R(>=3.2.1) | 4| | rcrossref | 4| | RSQLite | 4| | sf | 4| | solrium | 4| | urltools | 4| | uuid | 4| | yaml | 4| | DBI | 3| | fauxpas | 3| | foreach | 3| | gdata | 3| | gistr | 3| | graphics | 3| | lintr | 3| | MASS | 3| | memoise | 3| | mime | 3| | miniUI | 3| | R.utils | 3| | RColorBrewer | 3| | rentrez | 3| | rmapshaper | 3| | rvertnet | 3| | rworldmap | 3| | spocc | 3| | stringi | 3| | wicket | 3| | base64enc | 2| | bibtex | 2| | Biostrings | 2| | broom | 2| | crayon | 2| | downloader | 2| | elastic | 2| | geiger | 2| | getPass | 2| | GGally | 2| | ggthemes | 2| | grDevices | 2| | grid | 2| | gridExtra | 2| | htmltools | 2| | htmlwidgets | 2| | httpcode | 2| | igraph | 2| | jqr | 2| | jsonvalidate | 2| | listviewer | 2| | mapproj | 2| | Matrix | 2| | phylobase | 2| | phytools | 2| | R.cache | 2| | RcppRedis | 2| | readxl | 2| | remotes | 2| | reshape | 2| | rplos | 2| | shinyjs | 2| | storr | 2| | sys | 2| | tm | 2| | viridis | 2| | webp | 2| | zoo | 2| | akima | 1| | analogue | 1| | aRxiv | 1| | binman | 1| | Biobase | 1| | BiocGenerics | 1| | biomaRt | 1| | bold | 1| | Cairo | 1| | caTools | 1| | ckanr | 1| | corrplot | 1| | countrycode | 1| | cranlogs | 1| | crminer | 1| | crosstalk | 1| | dendextend | 1| | doParallel | 1| | dplyr(>= | 1| | DT(>=0.1) | 1| | EML | 1| | etseed | 1| | fastmatch | 1| | fields | 1| | forecast | 1| | foreign | 1| | fulltext | 1| | functionMap | 1| | genderdata | 1| | GenomeInfoDb | 1| | GenomicFeatures | 1| | GenomicRanges(>=1.23.24) | 1| | geoaxe | 1| | geojson | 1| | geojsonio | 1| | geojsonlint | 1| | geonames | 1| | geosphere | 1| | ggalt | 1| | ggm | 1| | graphql | 1| | GSODR | 1| | gtools | 1| | hash | 1| | hexbin | 1| | historydata | 1| | Hmisc | 1| | httpuv | 1| | IRanges | 1| | IRdisplay | 1| | isdparser | 1| | janeaustenr | 1| | jpeg | 1| | knitcitations | 1| | leafletR | 1| | loggr | 1| | magick | 1| | mapdata | 1| | markdown | 1| | MCMCglmm | 1| | memisc | 1| | miniUI(>=0.1.1) | 1| | mongolite | 1| | nabor | 1| | natserv | 1| | openair | 1| | openxlsx | 1| | osmar | 1| | outliers | 1| | pander | 1| | parallel | 1| | plot3D | 1| | plotKML | 1| | plotly | 1| | plumber | 1| | progress | 1| | protolite | 1| | purrrlyr | 1| | qlcMatrix | 1| | RApiSerialize | 1| | rapport | 1| | rbhl | 1| | rbison | 1| | rcdk | 1| | Rcompression | 1| | readtext | 1| | rebird | 1| | RedisAPI | 1| | redland | 1| | redux | 1| | reeack | 1| | rfigshare | 1| | ridigbio | 1| | rinat | 1| | ritis | 1| | rJava | 1| | RJSONIO | 1| | rlist | 1| | Rmpfr | 1| | RMySQL | 1| | rnaturalearthdata | 1| | rnaturalearthhires | 1| | rncl | 1| | RNeXML | 1| | rnoaa | 1| | rnrfa | 1| | ropenaq | 1| | rotl | 1| | rowr | 1| | RPostgreSQL | 1| | rrdf | 1| | rredis | 1| | rredlist | 1| | rrlite | 1| | RSclient | 1| | RSelenium | 1| | Rserve | 1| | rstudioapi(>=0.5) | 1| | rsvg | 1| | rtracklayer | 1| | RUnit | 1| | S4Vectors | 1| | sangerseqR | 1| | scrapeR | 1| | selectr | 1| | seqinr | 1| | shiny(>=0.13.2) | 1| | snow | 1| | SnowballC | 1| | sofa | 1| | spacetime | 1| | spatstat | 1| | SSOAP | 1| | stringdist | 1| | Suggests:testthat | 1| | Sxslt | 1| | tabulizerjars | 1| | testthat(>=0.7) | 1| | tidytext | 1| | tidyverse | 1| | tiff | 1| | tmap | 1| | USAboundaries | 1| | USAboundariesData | 1| | VariantAnnotation | 1| | vegan | 1| | viridisLite | 1| | wdman(>=0.2.2) | 1| | weathermetrics | 1| | webmockr | 1| | webshot | 1| | wellknown | 1| | WikidataR | 1| | wikitaxa | 1| | withr | 1| | wordcloud2 | 1| | worrms | 1| | XMLSchema | 1| | xtable | 1| | xts | 1|

#  summarise(count(name))

ropensci/codemetar documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 12:34 a.m.