
#' Query Crossref Events data
#' @export
#' @param rows (character) the number of Events you want to retrieve per page. 
#' The default, and recommended, value is 10,000, which allows you to retrieve 
#' large numbers of Events quickly. There are typically between 10,000 and 
#' 100,000 Events collected per day. Default: 1000
#' @param cursor (character) allows you to iterate through a search result set.
#' @param from_updated_date,until_updated_date (character) from or until updated
#' date, as YYYY-MM-DD
#' @param from_occurred_date,until_occurred_date (character) from or until occurred
#' date, as YYYY-MM-DD
#' @param from_collected_date,until_collected_date (character) from or until updated
#' date, as YYYY-MM-DD
#' @param subj_id quoted URL or a DOI
#' @param subj_id_prefix DOI prefix like 10.5555
#' @param obj_id quoted URL or a DOI
#' @param obj_id_prefix DOI prefix like 10.5555
#' @param subj_id_domain domain of the subj_id e.g. en.wikipedia.org
#' @param obj_id_domain domain of the obj_url e.g. en.wikipedia.org
#' @param subj_url quoted full URL
#' @param obj_url quoted full URL
#' @param subj_url_domain domain of the optional subj.url, if present 
#'  e.g. en.wikipedia.org
#' @param obj_url_domain domain of the optional obj.url, if present 
#'  e.g. en.wikipedia.org
#' @param subj_alternative_id optional subj.alternative-id
#' @param obj_alternative_id optional obj.alternative-id
#' @param relation relation type ID
#' @param source source ID
#' @param facet a facet value, can be just the facet name, or facet name plus 
#' the limit (`*` or an integer)
#' @template curl
#' @section facets:
#' Remember that these totals don't refer to unique links necessarily, 
#' so you should be cautious about using the numbers for anything 
#' other than exploration.
#' - source: source ID
#' - relation-type: relation type ID
#' - obj-id.prefix: DOI prefix like 10.5555, if Object is a DOI
#' - subj-id.prefix: DOI prefix like 10.5555, if Subject is a DOI
#' - subj-id.domain: Domain of the subj_id URL
#' - obj-id.domain: Domain of the obj_id URL
#' - subj.url.domain: Domain of the subj.url URL. This may or may not be 
#' the same as the subj_id.
#' - obj.url.domain: Domain of the obj.url URL. This may or may not be 
#' the same as the obj_id.
#' @examples
#' if (crul::ok("http://api.eventdata.crossref.org/v1/events?rows=0")) {
#' res <- crev_query(rows = 1)
#' res
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # filter with source
#' crev_query(rows = 10, source = "reddit")
#' crev_query(rows = 10, source = "twitter")
#' # on the first of March 2017
#' crev_query(rows=10, from_collected_date = "2017-03-01", 
#'   until_collected_date = "2017-03-01")
#' # in the month of March 2017
#' crev_query(rows=10, from_occurred_date = "2017-03-01", 
#'   until_occurred_date = "2017-03-31")
#' # Up to ten Events for a DOI prefix
#' crev_query(rows = 10, obj_id_prefix = "10.1186")
#' # Up to ten events for a given DOI
#' crev_query(rows = 10, obj_id = "10.1186/s40536-017-0036-8")
#' # Use cursor
#' res <- crev_query(rows = 10)
#' crev_query(rows = 10, cursor = res$message$`next-cursor`)
#' # facet
#' crev_query(rows = 0, source = 'reddit', facet = "subj-id.domain:10")
#' crev_query(rows = 0, source = 'reddit', facet = "subj-id.domain:10")
#' crev_query(rows = 0, source = 'newsfeed', 
#'  subj_id_domain = "www.theguardian.com", facet = "obj-id.prefix:*")
#' }
crev_query <- fxn_factory('events')
ropensci/crevents documentation built on May 16, 2022, 8:40 p.m.