dois_wiley: A list of 3 character vectors totaling 250 Wiley DOIs from...

dois_wileyR Documentation

A list of 3 character vectors totaling 250 Wiley DOIs from Crossref


  • set1: Obtained via rcrossref::cr_members(311, filter = c(has_full_text = TRUE), works = TRUE, limit = 100)

  • set2 (a set with older dates): Obtained via rcrossref::cr_members(311, filter=c(has_full_text = TRUE, type = 'journal-article', until_created_date = "2013-12-31"), works = TRUE, limit = 100)

  • set3 (with CC By 4.0 license): Obtained via rcrossref::cr_members(311, filter=c(has_full_text = TRUE, license.url = ""), works = TRUE, limit = 100)


A list of length 3, set1 with a character vector of length 100, set2 with a character vector of length 100, and set3 with a character vector of length 50.

ropensci/crminer documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:50 a.m.