dvDeleteStudy: Delete (or deaccession) a study

View source: R/dvDeleteStudy.r

dvDeleteStudyR Documentation

Delete (or deaccession) a study


Use Data Deposit API to delete an unreleased study or deaccession a released study.


dvDeleteStudy(  objectid, dv=getOption('dvn'),
                user=getOption('dvn.user'), pwd=getOption('dvn.pwd'), 
                browser=FALSE, ...)



Either a character string containing the id for a dataverse study (a handle) or an object of class “dvStudyAtom”. This could be returned from dvUserStudies (or, dvSearch, from the Data Sharing API).


An optional character string specifying the Dataverse to query. Default is the Harvard IQSS Dataverse.


A character string containing a dataverse username. Default is options('dvn.user').


A character string containing the corresponding dataverse password. Default is options('dvn.pwd').


A logical specifying whether the query should be executed in a web browser. Default is FALSE.


Optionally, additional arguments passed to getURL via dvDepositQuery.


If a study has been created but not released, dvDeleteStudy will delete it permanently.

If a study has been created and released, dvDeleteStudy will deaccession it (i.e., reverse the release). A released study can be “deaccessioned” (replacing its public record with a publicly visible record about its previous release) using dvDeleteStudy. Currently, a previously released study cannot be deleted. Attempting to delete a deaccessioned study will produce an error.


If successful, the response is an empty character string.


Thomas J. Leeper

ropensci/dvn documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:52 a.m.