Man pages for ropensci/hddtools
Hydrological Data Discovery Tools

bboxSpatialPolygonConvert a bounding box to a SpatialPolygons object Bounding...
catalogueData60UKData source: Data60UK catalogue
catalogueGRDCData source: Global Runoff Data Centre catalogue
catalogueMOPEXData source: MOPEX catalogue
catalogueSEPAData source: SEPA catalogue
grdcLTMMDData set: The grdcLTMMD look-up table
hddtoolshddtools: Hydrological Data Discovery Tools
KGClimateClassFunction to identify the updated Koppen-Greiger climate zone...
tsData60UKInterface for the Data60UK database of Daily Time Series
tsMOPEXInterface for the MOPEX database of Daily Time Series
tsSEPAInterface for the MOPEX database of Daily Time Series
ropensci/hddtools documentation built on Sept. 4, 2024, 1:52 p.m.