
Contributing to opencage

First of all, thanks for considering contributing to {opencage}! 👍 We welcome bug reports and pull requests that expand and improve the functionality of {opencage} from all contributors. This document outlines how to propose a change to {opencage}.

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project you agree to abide by its terms.

How you can contribute

There are several ways you can contribute to this project.

Share the love ❤️

Think {opencage} is useful? Let others discover it, by telling them in person, via your preferred social medium, or a blog post. Please also share your use case in our discussion forum at discuss.ropensci.org.

Using {opencage} for a paper you are writing? Please consider citing it. Get citation information for {opencage} in R with citation(package = 'opencage').

Ask a question ❓

Using {opencage} and got stuck? Browse the documentation to see if you can find a solution. Still stuck? Post your question on our discussion forum and tag it with the package name. While we cannot offer user support, we'll try to do our best to address it, as questions often lead to better documentation or the discovery of bugs.

Want to ask a question in private? Email the person listed as maintainer in the DESCRIPTION file of this repo. Keep in mind that private discussions over email don't help others - but of course email is totally warranted if it's a sensitive problem of any kind.

Improve the documentation ✍

Noticed a typo on the website? Think a function could use a better example? Good documentation makes all the difference, so your help to improve it is very welcome!

Small typos or grammatical errors in documentation can be edited directly using the GitHub web interface, as long as the changes are made in the source file.

This means you should

Since we use a non-standard workflow to render the vignettes in this package, you should

Reporting an issue 🐛

Using our_package and discovered a bug? That's annoying! Don't let others have the same experience and open an issue report on GitHub so we can fix it. Please illustrate the bug with a minimal working example, also known as a reprex, i.e. please provide detailed steps to reproduce the bug and any information that might be helpful in troubleshooting. The {reprex} 📦 can help you with this.

Contribute code 🛠

Care to fix bugs or implement new functionality for {opencage}? Awesome! 👏 Before you make a substantial change to the package, it is often preferable to first discuss need and scope for the change with the author(s) of the package in an issue report.

You should then follow the following process:

You should also consider the following:

rOpenSci discussion forum 👄

Check out our discussion forum if

License 📜

{opencage} is licensed under the GPL-2 or later.

Thanks for contributing! 🙏

For more detailed info about contributing to rOpenSci, please see the rOpenSci Community Contributing Guide.

ropensci/opencage documentation built on Feb. 7, 2023, 8:48 p.m.