pbdb_references: Get information about multiple references

View source: R/pbdb_queries.R

pbdb_referencesR Documentation

Get information about multiple references


Returns information about multiple references, selected according to the parameters you provide.





Arguments passed to the API. See documentation for accepted parameters at https://paleobiodb.org/data1.2/refs/list. E.g.:

  • ref_author: Select only references for which any of the authors matches the specified name.

  • ref_pubyr: Select only references published in the specified year.

  • pub_title: Select only references that involve the specified publication.

  • order: Specifies the order in which the results are returned. You can specify multiple values separated by commas, and each value may be appended with .asc or .desc. Accepted values are: "author", "pubyr", "reftitle", "pubtitle", "pubtype", "created", "modified", "rank".


A data frame with the information about the references that match the query.


## Not run: 
  pbdb_references(ref_author = "Polly")

## End(Not run)

ropensci/paleobioDB documentation built on March 5, 2024, 3:08 a.m.