
  comment = "#>",
  warning = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,
  fig.path = "man/figures/"

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. R-check cran version codecov rstudio mirror downloads

phylocomr gives you access to the Phylocom C library, licensed under BSD 2-clause

Package API

A note about files

As a convenience you can pass ages, sample and trait data.frame's, and phylogenies as strings, to phylocomr functions. However, phylocomr has to write these data.frame's/strings to disk (your computer's file system) to be able to run the Phylocom code on them. Internally, phylocomr is writing to a temporary file to run Phylocom code, and then the file is removed.

In addition, you can pass in files instead of data.frame's/strings. These are not themselves used. Instead, we read and write those files to temporary files. We do this for two reasons. First, Phylocom expects the files its using to be in the same directory, so if we control the file paths that becomes easier. Second, Phylocom is case sensitive, so we simply standardize all taxon names by lower casing all of them. We do this case manipulation on the temporary files so that your original data files are not modified.


Stable version:


Development version:



ph_ecovolve(speciation = 0.05, extinction = 0.005, time_units = 50)


taxa_file <- system.file("examples/taxa", package = "phylocomr")
phylo_file <- system.file("examples/phylo", package = "phylocomr")
(taxa_str <- readLines(taxa_file))
(phylo_str <- readLines(phylo_file))
ph_phylomatic(taxa = taxa_str, phylo = phylo_str)

use various different references trees


r2 <- ape::read.tree(text=brranching::phylomatic_trees[['R20120829']])
smith2011 <- ape::read.tree(text=brranching::phylomatic_trees[['smith2011']])
zanne2014 <- ape::read.tree(text=brranching::phylomatic_trees[['zanne2014']])

# R20120829 tree
taxa_str <- c(
ph_phylomatic(taxa = taxa_str, phylo = r2)

# zanne2014 tree
taxa_str <- c(
ph_phylomatic(taxa = taxa_str, phylo = zanne2014)

# zanne2014 subtree
zanne2014_subtr <- ape::extract.clade(zanne2014, node='Loganiaceae')
zanne_subtree_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
ape::write.tree(zanne2014_subtr, file = zanne_subtree_file)
taxa_str <- c(
ph_phylomatic(taxa = taxa_str, phylo = zanne2014_subtr)
ph_phylomatic(taxa = taxa_str, phylo = zanne_subtree_file)


traits_file <- system.file("examples/traits_aot", package = "phylocomr")
phylo_file <- system.file("examples/phylo_aot", package = "phylocomr")
traitsdf_file <- system.file("examples/traits_aot_df", package = "phylocomr")
traits <- read.table(text = readLines(traitsdf_file), header = TRUE,
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
phylo_str <- readLines(phylo_file)
ph_aot(traits = traits, phylo = phylo_str)


ages_file <- system.file("examples/ages", package = "phylocomr")
phylo_file <- system.file("examples/phylo_bladj", package = "phylocomr")
ages_df <- data.frame(
  a = c('malpighiales','salicaceae','fabaceae','rosales','oleaceae',
  b = c(81,20,56,76,47,71,18,56)
phylo_str <- readLines(phylo_file)
(res <- ph_bladj(ages = ages_df, phylo = phylo_str))
plot(ape::read.tree(text = res))


ropensci/phylocomr documentation built on April 22, 2023, 8:36 p.m.