
#' Expected inputs
#' @section Ages data:
#' A file or data.frame, with 2 columns:
#' - (character) node taxonomic name
#' - (numeric) age estimate for the node
#' If a file path is used, the table must not have headers
#' Applies to:
#' - [ph_bladj()]
#' @section Sample data:
#' A file or data.frame, with 3 columns, sorted by column 1, one row per taxon:
#' - (character) sample plot/quadrat/trap/etc. name (no spaces, must begin with
#' a letter, not a number or symbol)
#' - (integer) abundance (leave as 1 for presence/absence data)
#' - (character) species code (same as in the phylogeny, must begin with
#' a letter, not a number or symbol)
#' If a file path is used, the table must not have headers, and must be
#' tab-delimited
#' Applies to:
#' - [ph_comtrait()]
#' - [ph_comstruct()]
#' - [ph_comdist()]
#' - [ph_pd()]
#' - [ph_rao()]
#' @section Traits data:
#' A tab-delimited file with the first line as
#' `type<TAB>n<TAB>n<TAB>... [up to the number of traits]`, for example:
#' `type<TAB>3<TAB>3<TAB>3<TAB>0`
#' where n indicates the type of trait in each of the four columns. Types:
#' - `0`: binary (only one binary trait may be included, and it must be in
#' the first column) 1 for unordered multistate (no algorithms currently
#' implemented)
#' - `2`: ordered multistate (currently treated as continuous)
#' - `3`: continuous
#' Optional: The second line can start with the word name (lower case only)
#' and then list the names of the traits in order. These will appear in
#' the full output file
#' Subsequent lines should have the taxon name, which must be identical to
#' its appearance in phylo, and the data columns separated by tabs. For
#' example: `sp1<TAB>1<TAB>1<TAB>1<TAB>0`
#' - OR -
#' A data.frame, where the first column called `name` has each taxon, followed by
#' any number of columns with traits. The first column name must be `name`, and
#' the following columns should be named using the name of the trait.
#' Applies to:
#' - [ph_comtrait()]
#' - [ph_aot()]
#' @section Phylogenies:
#' Phylocom expects trees in Newick format. The basic Newick format used by
#' Phylocom is: `((A,B),C);`. See the Phylocom manual
#' (https://phylodiversity.net/phylocom/) for more details on what they expect.
#' Applies to: all functions except [ph_phylomatic()] and [ph_ecovolve()]
#' @name phylocomr-inputs
ropensci/phylocomr documentation built on April 22, 2023, 8:36 p.m.