reexports: Objects exported from other packages

mutateR Documentation

Objects exported from other packages


These objects are imported from other packages. Follow the links below to see their documentation.




mutate(.data, ...)

mutate_(.data, ..., .dots = list())

transmute(.data, ...)

transmute_(.data, ..., .dots = list())

select(.data, ...)

select_(.data, ..., .dots = list())

rename(.data, ...)

rename_(.data, ..., .dots = list())

group_by(.data, ..., .add = FALSE, .drop = group_by_drop_default(.data))

group_by_(.data, ..., .dots = list(), add = FALSE)


ungroup(x, ...)

summarise(.data, ..., .by = NULL, .groups = NULL)

summarise_(.data, ..., .dots = list())

do(.data, ...)

do_(.data, ..., .dots = list())

arrange(.data, ..., .by_group = FALSE)

arrange_(.data, ..., .dots = list())

distinct(.data, ..., .keep_all = FALSE)

distinct_(.data, ..., .dots, .keep_all = FALSE)

slice(.data, ..., .by = NULL, .preserve = FALSE)

slice_(.data, ..., .dots = list())

filter(.data, ..., .by = NULL, .preserve = FALSE)

filter_(.data, ..., .dots = list())

ropensci/plotly documentation built on June 10, 2024, 5:51 a.m.