
# library(webmockr)
# context("download_qualtrics_export")
# test_that(
#   "it should make the proper export progress and download file requests", { # nolint
#   webmockr::enable()
#   # define mocks
#   mock_file_id <- 'fileId123'
#   local_mock(`qualtRics::check_for_warnings` = function(resp) NULL)
#   # mock qualtrics_response_codes to return expected data for export progress
#   local_mock(`qualtRics::qualtrics_response_codes` =
#                function(resp, raw=FALSE) list(
#                  content = list(
#                    result = list(
#                      percentComplete = 100,
#                      fileId = mock_file_id
#                    ),
#                    meta = list(
#                      httpStatus = "200 - OK",
#                      requestId = "555b3857-db1e-492d-9288-47652c3cc6b0"
#                    )
#                  ),
#                  OK = TRUE
#                ))
#   local_mock(writeBin = function(object, con) NULL)
#   mock_host <- 'https://env.qualtrics.com'
#   mock_key <- 'api_key'
#   mock_survey_id <- '1234'
#   mock_export_id <- 'export123'
#   fetch_url <- sprintf(
#     '%s/API/v3/surveys/%s/export-responses/',
#     mock_host,
#     mock_survey_id
#   )
#   expected_progress_url <- paste0(fetch_url, mock_export_id)
#   expected_download_url <- paste0(fetch_url, mock_file_id, "/file")
#   expected_header <- list(
#     'X-API-TOKEN' = mock_key,
#     'Content-Type' = 'application/json',
#     'Accept' = '*/*',
#     'accept-encoding' = 'gzip, deflate'
#   )
#   # Set credentials for stub
#   qualtrics_api_credentials(mock_key, mock_host)
#   # Export Progress Stub
#   stub_request("get", expected_progress_url) %>%
#     wi_th(headers = expected_header)
#   # Download File Stub
#   stub_request("get", expected_download_url) %>%
#     wi_th(headers = expected_header)
#   # If stubs not hit, error will be thrown
#   stubbedRequestsHit <-
#     suppressWarnings(download_qualtrics_export(fetch_url, mock_export_id)) %>%
#     length() == 0
#   expect_true(stubbedRequestsHit)
#   webmockr::stub_registry_clear()
#   webmockr::disable()
# })
# # Reset the credentials:
# qualtrics_api_credentials(api_key = holder_API, base_url = holder_URL)
ropensci/qualtRics documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 12:49 a.m.