Man pages for ropensci/rImpactStory
Retrieves altmetrics from ImpactStory

about_ISAbout ImpactStory
collection_metricsRetrives metadata on a valid ImpactStory collection ID
create_ISidCreates a ImpactStory ID for a new object. (This function...
github_heatmapGenerates a heatmap plot visualizing GitHub repos.
github_plotGenerates a plot visualizing GitHub repos.
github_reportgithub report
ISidRetrieves the ImpactStory ID for a given object. (These...
IS_providersReturns a list of current ImpactStory data providers
metricsReturns the metrics for a valid ImpactStory ID
save_collectionSaves metrics from a collection to a csv file
ropensci/rImpactStory documentation built on May 18, 2022, 6:30 p.m.