source(system.file("examples/as_rdf.R", package="rdflib"))

We need to set rdflib option to use disk-based rather than in-memory storage, or it appears that redland throws an error (even when the machine has sufficient memory!?) when importing the 336,776 rows of the flights table.

Note: if BDB is not available (e.g. berkeley-db libraries were not found when redland was built from source), then this will fallback on in-memory storage and this vignette will use an abridged version of the flights table.

options(rdflib_storage = "BDB")
options(rdflib_storage = "memory")

Tidyverse Style

Operations in dplyr on the nyflights13 dataset are easy to write and fast to execute, (in memory or on disk):

df <- flights %>% 
  left_join(airlines) %>%
  left_join(planes, by="tailnum") %>% 
  select(carrier, name, manufacturer, model) %>% 

Use a smaller dataset if we do not have a BDB backend:

flights <- flights %>% 
  filter(distance > 3000) # try smaller dataset

Keys, including foreign keys, must be represented as URIs and not literal strings.

as_uri <- function(x, base_uri = "x:") paste0(base_uri, x)

uri_flights <- flights %>% 
  mutate(tailnum = as_uri(tailnum),
         carrier = as_uri(carrier))

RDF Serialization Strategies for large data.frames

We consider a variety of strategies for actually importing data.frames into RDF:

As we'll see, only the third solution has adequate performance here. rdf_add() requires an initializer call inside each redland::addStatement, which takes a considerable fraction of a second. Multiply that by the number of cells in the data.frame and things do not scale.

jsonlite can convert even the large data.frames into JSON reasonably quickly. jsonld::jsonld_to_rdf() is then also acceptably fast (despite being Javascript) at converting this to nquads, but unfortunately fails dramatically (i.e. segfault) when attempting to serialize the flights data. (Recall we can only get into redland RDF model from JSON-LD via nquads). Perhaps that is due to some particular data in flights table, but it's not obvious.
Otherwise, this approach has lots to recommend it. One nice feature about this approach is that it applies to almost any R object (e.g. any list object), though some care should be taken with names and URIs, as always. Another nice feature is that it handles the basic data types automatically -- JSON already has types for logical, double, integer, and string, and these will get automatically encoded with the datatype URIs by the built-in jsonld_to_rdf algorithm.

The third approach is something of a poor-man's hack to the second approach. A single call to rdf_parse() results in only a single call through the redland C API to acually read in all the triples -- so unlike the rdf_add() approach, all the work is being done at the C level -- the amount of R code involved doesn't at all depend on the number of triples. This is still not nearly as fast as reading in large data.frames with readr or even with read.table(), but is probably as fast as we can get. The trick then is to serialize the data.frame into an RDF format as quickly as possible. We can write large data.frames to text files rather quickly with good ol write.table(), and after all nquads looks a lot like a space separated, four-column text file, modulo a little markup to identify URIs and datatypes. (readr::write_delim might be faster, but it's automatic quoting rules appear to be incompatible with the nquads use of quotations.) We're left manually encoding the URI strings and the datatypes onto our data.frame in advance (which requires more nuiance to handle default data types, blank nodes and missing values than I've currently implemented), but as a proof of principle here this approach is sufficiently fast, as we will now see.

## generic list-based conversion via JSON-LD 
rdf_planes_from_list <- as_rdf.list(planes)

Let's do the smaller tables first. We declare which column is the key (i.e. subject), and we define a base_uri prefix which we use to make sure column names and subjects are treated as URIs. With tables that have only tens of thousands of cells (triples) this is pretty fast:

x1 <- as_rdf(airlines, "carrier", "x:")
x2 <- as_rdf(airports, "faa", "x:") ## a few funny chars, UTF8 issues?
x3 <- as_rdf(planes,  "tailnum", "x:")

x <- c(rdf(), x1,x2,x3)

SPARQL queries on the resulting data are also pretty fast:

sparql <-
  'SELECT   ?model
 ?tailnum <x:carrier> ?carrier .
 ?tailnum <x:model>  ?model 

out <- rdf_query(x1, sparql)

Big table via poor-man's nquads 165 seconds if this is the full table:

    x4 <- as_rdf(uri_flights, NULL, "x:")

The json-ld approach just appears to crash, so we won't run that:

## nope, the jsonld method appears to crash R...
#  x4 <- as_rdf.list(na.omit(flights))

We can join all of these:

rdf <- c(rdf(), x1,x2,x3,x4)

Separate queries: This proves very slow on the full data! Would be much faster if we did not have to iterate over getNextResult but could parse all results as a document. Hopefully this change is coming to redland R library soon!

sparql <-
'SELECT  ?tailnum ?dep_delay ?carrier
  ?flight <x:tailnum>  ?tailnum .
  ?flight <x:dep_delay>  ?dep_delay .
  ?flight <x:carrier>  ?carrier 


f1 <- rdf_query(rdf, sparql)
sparql <-
  'SELECT  ?tailnum ?model ?manufacturer
?tailnum <x:manufacturer> ?manufacturer .
?tailnum <x:model> ?model
f2 <- rdf_query(rdf, sparql)

tmp <- inner_join(f1,f2)
s <- 
  'SELECT  ?carrier ?name ?manufacturer ?model
?flight <x:tailnum>  ?tailnum .
?tailnum <x:manufacturer> ?manufacturer .
?tailnum <x:model> ?model .
?flight <x:carrier>  ?carrier .
?carrier <x:name> ?name

out2 <- rdf_query(rdf, s)

ropensci/rdflib documentation built on Aug. 8, 2024, 1:06 a.m.