
context("dpla_collections_ - internal fxn")

# test_that("dpla_collections_ basic functionality works", {
#   skip_on_cran()

#   aa <- dpla_collections_(q = "university")

#   expect_is(aa, "list")
#   expect_type(aa$count, "integer")
#   expect_type(aa$start, "integer")
#   expect_type(aa$limit, "integer")
#   expect_type(aa$docs, "list")
#   expect_type(aa$facets, "list")

#   expect_is(aa$docs[[1]], "list")
#   expect_gt(length(aa$docs[[1]]), 10)
# })

# test_that("dpla_items - pagination works", {
#   skip_on_cran()

#   aa <- dpla_collections_(q="university of texas", page_size=2)
#   bb <- dpla_collections_(q="university of texas", page_size=5)

#   expect_gt(length(bb$docs), length(aa$docs))

#   # incorrect inputs for pagination fields are dropped silently
#   # by DPLA API
#   expect_is(dpla_collections_(page_size = "asdfasf"), "list")
#   expect_is(dpla_collections_(page = "asdfasf", page_size = 1), "list")
# })

# test_that("dpla_items - fields requests work", {
#   skip_on_cran()

#   nms <- c("id", "description", "title")
#   aa <- dpla_collections_(q = "university of texas", fields = nms)

#   expect_equal(sort(names(aa$docs[[1]])), sort(nms))
# })

# test_that("dpla_items fails well", {
#   skip_on_cran()

#   # bad auth
#   expect_error(dpla_collections_(key = "asdfadf"), "Unauthorized")
#   # bad sort_by entry
#   expect_error(dpla_collections_(sort_by = "stuff"),
#                "Invalid field\\(s\\) specified in sort_by parameter")
#   # bad fields entry
#   expect_error(dpla_collections_(fields = "stuff"),
#                "Invalid field\\(s\\) specified in fields parameter")
# })
ropensci/rdpla documentation built on May 18, 2022, 6:32 p.m.