
Getting Started with rfigshare

Obtaining your API keys

Note that there is a nice video introduction to creating applications for the API on the figshare blog. The following tutorial provides a simple walkthrough of how to go about getting your figshare API keys set up so that you can use the rfigshare package.

Create a user account on FigShare and log in. From your homepage, select "Applications" from the drop-down menu,

Create a new application:

Enter in the following information:

Then navigate over to the permissions tab. To get the most out of rfigshare you'll want to enable all permissions:

Save the new settings, and then open the application again (View/Edit menu) and click on the "Access Codes" tab.

Record each if the keys into R as follows. You might want to put this bit of R code into your .Rprofile to avoid entering it each time in the future:

options(FigshareKey = "qMDabXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
options(FigsharePrivateKey = "zQXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
options(FigsharePrivateToken = "yqXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

That's it! You are now ready to start using figshare. Recall you can install the package directly from Github using:

install_github("rfigshare", "ropensci")

Try authenticating with your credentials:

## Loading required package: rfigshare

Try a search for an author, or get the details on a paper:

## Response []
##   Status: 200
##   Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
## {"pages": 0, "results": 1, "start": 0, "per_page": 10, "items": [{"id": "96387", "fname": "Carl", "lname": "Boettiger", "full_name": "Carl Boettiger", "job_title": "", "description": "", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "active": 1}]} 
## Warning: text_content() deprecated. Use parsed_content(x, as = 'parsed')
## Loading required package: rjson
## $article_id
## [1] 138
## $title
## [1] "Labrid adaptive peaks"
## $views
## [1] 56
## $downloads
## [1] 0
## $shares
## [1] 0
## $doi
## [1] ""
## $defined_type
## [1] "figure"
## $status
## [1] "Public"
## $version
## [1] 1
## $published_date
## [1] "13:45, Dec 30, 2011"
## $description
## [1] "Described in the notebook:"
## $total_size
## [1] "29.71 KB"
## $owner
## $owner$id
## [1] 96387
## $owner$full_name
## [1] "Carl Boettiger"
## $authors
## $authors[[1]]
## $authors[[1]]$first_name
## [1] "Carl"
## $authors[[1]]$last_name
## [1] "Boettiger"
## $authors[[1]]$id
## [1] 96387
## $authors[[1]]$full_name
## [1] "Carl Boettiger"
## $tags
## $tags[[1]]
## $tags[[1]]$id
## [1] 277
## $tags[[1]]$name
## [1] "comparative methods"
## $tags[[2]]
## $tags[[2]]$id
## [1] 276
## $tags[[2]]$name
## [1] "phylogenetics"
## $tags[[3]]
## $tags[[3]]$id
## [1] 275
## $tags[[3]]$name
## [1] "fins"
## $tags[[4]]
## $tags[[4]]$id
## [1] 274
## $tags[[4]]$name
## [1] "labrids"
## $categories
## $categories[[1]]
## $categories[[1]]$id
## [1] 24
## $categories[[1]]$name
## [1] "Evolutionary biology"
## $categories[[2]]
## $categories[[2]]$id
## [1] 39
## $categories[[2]]$name
## [1] "Ecology"
## $files
## $files[[1]]
## $files[[1]]$size
## [1] "30 KB"
## $files[[1]]$id
## [1] 137
## $files[[1]]$mime_type
## [1] "image/png"
## $files[[1]]$name
## [1] "Labrid_fins.png"
## $links
## list()

Try creating your own content:

fs_create("Test title", "description of test", "dataset")
## Warning: text_content() deprecated. Use parsed_content(x, as = 'parsed')
## Your article has been created! Your id number is 95717
## [1] 95717

This creates an article with the essential metadata information. In the next tutorial, Publishing on FigShare from R we will describe how to add files, tags, categories, authors, and links to your draft, and then publish it either privately or publicly.

ropensci/rfigshare documentation built on May 18, 2022, 6:34 p.m.