  comment = "#>", 
  warning = FALSE, 
  message = FALSE,
  cache = TRUE

rglobi vignette - an R interface to the aggregated biotic interaction data of GloBI (

About the package

rglobi allows easy access to the GLoBI database by wrapping the existing API.

Quick start

First, install rglobi


Note that since rglobi is still pretty new, only the dev version of the library is available at this time. We hope to publish a version to CRAN once the library matures. For more information see GitHub.

Find interactions involving a certain species

Determining which species interact with each other (and how and where) is a major focus of ecology. The Global Biotic Interactions Database offers data on multiple interaction types, and the rglobi library offers several ways to specify and access these interactions. get_interactions() is the primary function used if data on a specific interaction type is required. A focus taxon is entered (may be specified as "Genus species" or higher level (e.g., Genus, Family, Class)).

hsapiens <- get_interactions(taxon = "Homo sapiens", interaction.type = "preysOn")

get_predators_of() and get_prey_of() are wrappers for get_interactions() that remove the need to specify interaction type

hsapiens <- get_prey_of("Homo sapiens")

For a complete list of supported interaction types,


For data sources in which type of interactions was not specified, the interaction is labeled "interacts_with".

If you wish to view all interactions instead of specific types (e.g., parasitism and predation instead of just one of the two), the get_interactions_by_taxa() function allows this. In addition, the function provides options to search for interactions between two groups (source and target taxa, see above table) and only find interactions in a certain region.

rattus <- get_interactions_by_taxa(sourcetaxon = "Rattus")

Only a source taxa need be identified, but you can also specify a target taxon and/or geographic boundary (Coordinates must be in decimal degrees (EPSG:4326) and correspond to the west, south, east, and northern boundaries (i.e., min x, min y, max x, max y).

aves_crustacea_northern_hemisphere <- get_interactions_by_taxa( sourcetaxon = "Aves", targettaxon = "Crustacea", bbox=c(-180, 0, 180, 90 ))

Find interactions in a geographic areas

Instead of a taxon-specific approach, users may also wish to gather information on all interactions occuring in a specific area. For example, a group developing ecoystem models for the Gulf of Mexico may want to consider all the data from that region. rglobi enables this type of search by allowing users to specify a rectangular bounding box. Coordinates must be in decimal degrees (EPSG:4326) and correspond to the west, south, east, and northern boundaries (i.e., min x, min y, max x, max y).

gulfinteractions <- get_interactions_in_area( bbox=c(-97.0, 17.5, -81, 31))

To see all locations for which interactions have entered in GloBi,

areas <- get_interaction_areas()

You can also restrict this search to a certain area:

areas <- get_interaction_areas (bbox=c(-67.87,12.79,-57.08,23.32))

ropensci/rglobi documentation built on Oct. 18, 2023, 7:55 a.m.