gridRef: Manipulate OSGB or OSNI grid reference string

View source: R/gridRef.R

gridRefR Documentation

Manipulate OSGB or OSNI grid reference string


Extracts grid reference strings at various precisions from the supplied grid reference string - if possible! For example, if you supply a 1km square reference TL2998, then you could get the 10km square TL29, but not a 100m square grid reference.


gridRef(grid = NULL, format = c("sq10km", "sq5km", "tetrad", "sq1km",
  "sq100m", "sq10m"))



the grid reference to be manipulated


the format you want back. The possibilities are: sq10km, sq5km, tetrad, sq1km, sq100m, sq10m


a list of class "gridref" with the following contents:


the original grid reference


the grid reference string formatted as requested


the grid reference system, either "OSGB" or "OSNI"


the precision of the formatted grid reference in metres


Tetrads and 5kms
Tetrads are 2x2km squares and are often used for mapping distributions at a the scale of a county or similar sized local area. They are labelled using the 10km square followed by a single, upper-case letter (since there are 25 tetrads in a 10km square, the letter "O" is not used to avaiod confusion with zero). For example: TL29S. Letters are used as follows:

0 +---+---+---+---+---+
. | E | J | P | U | Z |
8 +---+---+---+---+---+
. | D | I | N | T | Y |
6 +---+---+---+---+---+
. | C | H | M | S | X |
4 +---+---+---+---+---+
. | B | G | L | R | W |
2 +---+---+---+---+---+
. | A | F | K | Q | V |
0 +---+---+---+---+---+

This is named the DINTY system after the letters in the second row of this table.

5x5km squares (sometimes called "pentads") are used for mapping at a regional scale. They are labelled using the name of the 10km square followed by two upper-case letters as follows:

0 +----+----+
. | NW | NE |
5 +----+----+
. | SW | SE |
0 +----+----+


Stuart Ball, JNCC

See Also



gridRef("TL2998", "sq10km") # Returns TL29
gridRef("TL29", "sq1km") # Returns NULL - you cannot get a 1km from a 10km!

ropensci/rnbn documentation built on May 18, 2022, 6:42 p.m.