Man pages for ropensci/rnpn
Interface to the National 'Phenology' Network 'API'

check_geo_serviceRuns a basic check to see if a valid response is returned by...
check_serviceRuns a basic check to see if a valid response is returned by...
get_additional_rastersGet Additional Layers
npn_abundance_categoriesGet Abundance Categories
npn_allobssp-defunctThis function is defunct.
npn_check_point_cachedCheck Point Cached
npn_datasetsGet Datasets
npn_download_geospatialDownload Geospatial Data
npn_download_individual_phenometricsDownload Individual Phenometrics
npn_download_magnitude_phenometricsDownload Magnitude Phenometrics
npn_download_site_phenometricsDownload Site Phenometrics
npn_download_status_dataDownload Status and Intensity Records
npn_get_agdd_point_dataGet AGDD Point Value
npn_get_common_query_varsGet Common Query String Variables
npn_get_custom_agdd_rasterGet Custom AGDD Raster Map
npn_get_custom_agdd_time_seriesGet Custom AGDD Time Series
npn_get_dataDownload NPN Data
npn_get_data_by_yearGet Data By Year
npn_get_download_urlGenerate Download URL
npn_get_layer_detailsGet Geospatial Data Layer Details
npn_get_phenophases_for_taxonGet Phenophases for Taxon
npn_get_point_dataGet Point Data Value
npn_groupsGet Partner Groups
npn_indsatstations-defunctThis function is defunct.
npn_indspatstations-defunctThis function is defunct.
npn_lookup_namesSpecies Name Lookup
npn_merge_geo_dataMerge Geo Data
npn_obsspbyday-defunctThis function is defunct.
npn_pheno_classesGet Pheno Classes
npn_phenophase_definitionsGet Phenophase Definitions
npn_phenophase_detailsGet Phenophase Details
npn_phenophasesGet Phenophases
npn_phenophases_by_speciesGet Phenophase for Species
npn_set_envSet Environment
npn_speciesGet Species
npn_species_typesGet Species Types
npn_stationsGet Station Data
npn_stations_by_locationGet station data based on a WKT defined geography.
npn_stations_by_stateGet number of stations by state.
npn_stationsbystate-defunctThis function renamed to be consistent with other package...
npn_stations_with_sppGet Stations with Species
npn_stationswithspp-defunctThis function renamed to be consistent with other package...
resolve_six_rasterResolve SIX Raster
rnpn-defunctDefunct functions in rnpn
rnpn-packageInterface to the National Phenology Network API
ropensci/rnpn documentation built on Jan. 25, 2024, 6:46 p.m.