
context("rl_threats functions")

# test_that("high level works - parsing", {
#   skip_on_cran()

#   aa <- rl_threats('Fratercula arctica')

#   expect_is(aa, "list")
#   expect_named(aa, c("name", "result"))
#   expect_is(aa$name, "character")
#   expect_is(aa$result, "data.frame")
#   expect_named(aa$result[,1:3], c("code", "title", "timing"))
# })

# test_that("high level works - not parsing", {
#   skip_on_cran()

#   aa <- rl_threats('Fratercula arctica', parse = FALSE)

#   expect_is(aa, "list")
#   expect_named(aa, c("name", "result"))
#   expect_is(aa$name, "character")
#   expect_is(aa$result, "list")
#   expect_named(aa$result[[1]][1:3], c("code", "title", "timing"))
# })

# test_that("low level works", {
#   skip_on_cran()

#   library("jsonlite")

#   aa <- rl_threats_('Fratercula arctica')
#   aajson <- jsonlite::fromJSON(aa)

#   expect_is(aa, "character")
#   expect_is(aajson, "list")
#   expect_named(aajson, c("name", "result"))
# })

# test_that("no results", {
#   skip_on_cran()

#   aa <- rl_threats('Loxodonta asdfadf')

#   expect_is(aa, "list")
#   expect_is(aa$result, "list")
#   expect_equal(length(aa$result), 0)
# })

# test_that("fails well", {
#   skip_on_cran()

#   expect_error(rl_threats(5), "name must be of class character")
#   expect_error(rl_threats(list()), "name must be of class character")

#   expect_error(rl_threats(id = "adsfds"), "id must be of class integer, numeric")
#   expect_error(rl_threats(id = list()), "id must be of class integer, numeric")

#   expect_error(rl_threats("ad", region = 5), "region must be of class character")
#   expect_error(rl_threats("ad", region = list()), "region must be of class character")

#   expect_error(rl_threats(key = 5), "key must be of class character")
#   expect_error(rl_threats(key = matrix()), "key must be of class character")

#   expect_error(rl_threats(parse = 5), "parse must be of class logical")
#   expect_error(rl_threats(parse = matrix()), "parse must be of class logical")

#   # lengths
#   expect_error(rl_threats(letters[1:2]), "name must be length 1")
#   expect_error(rl_threats(id = 1:2), "id must be length 1")
#   expect_error(rl_threats(letters[1], region = letters[1:2]), "region must be length 1")
# })
ropensci/rresync documentation built on Sept. 8, 2020, 1:17 a.m.