core_split: Split a core

View source: R/core_split.R

core_splitR Documentation

Split a core


SPLIT splits an index into two or more indexes. The index being split can continue to handle requests. The split pieces can be placed into a specified directory on the server's filesystem or it can be merged into running Solr cores.


  path = NULL,
  targetCore = NULL,
  ranges = NULL,
  split.key = NULL,
  async = NULL,
  raw = FALSE,
  callopts = list()



A solrium connection object, see SolrClient


(character) The name of the core to be created. Required


(character) Two or more target directory paths in which a piece of the index will be written


(character) Two or more target Solr cores to which a piece of the index will be merged


(character) A list of number ranges, or hash ranges in hexadecimal format. If numbers, they get converted to hexidecimal format before being passed to your Solr server.


(character) The key to be used for splitting the index


(character) Request ID to track this action which will be processed asynchronously


(logical) If TRUE, returns raw data


curl options passed on to crul::HttpClient


The core index will be split into as many pieces as the number of path or targetCore parameters.

Either path or targetCore parameter must be specified but not both. The ranges and split.key parameters are optional and only one of the two should be specified, if at all required.


## Not run: 
# start Solr with Schemaless mode via the schemaless eg: bin/solr start -e schemaless
# you can create a new core like: bin/solr create -c corename
# where <corename> is the name for your core - or creaate as below

# connect
(conn <- SolrClient$new())

# Swap a core
## First, create two cores
# conn$core_split("splitcoretest0") # or create in the CLI: bin/solr create -c splitcoretest0
# conn$core_split("splitcoretest1") # or create in the CLI: bin/solr create -c splitcoretest1
# conn$core_split("splitcoretest2") # or create in the CLI: bin/solr create -c splitcoretest2

## check status
conn$core_status("splitcoretest0", FALSE)
conn$core_status("splitcoretest1", FALSE)
conn$core_status("splitcoretest2", FALSE)

## split core using targetCore parameter
conn$core_split("splitcoretest0", targetCore = c("splitcoretest1", "splitcoretest2"))

## split core using split.key parameter
### Here all documents having the same route key as the split.key i.e. 'A!'
### will be split from the core index and written to the targetCore
conn$core_split("splitcoretest0", targetCore = "splitcoretest1", split.key = "A!")

## split core using ranges parameter
### Solr expects hash ranges in hexidecimal, but since we're in R,
### let's not make our lives any harder, so you can pass in numbers
### but you can still pass in hexidecimal if you want.
rgs <- c('0-1f4', '1f5-3e8')
  targetCore = c("splitcoretest1", "splitcoretest2"), ranges = rgs)
rgs <- list(c(0, 500), c(501, 1000))
  targetCore = c("splitcoretest1", "splitcoretest2"), ranges = rgs)

## End(Not run)

ropensci/solrium documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 3:01 p.m.