Man pages for ropensci/stplanr
Sustainable Transport Planning

angle_diffCalculate the angular difference between lines and a...
bbox_scaleScale a bounding box
bind_sfRapid row-binding of sf objects
cents_sfSpatial points representing home locations
destinations_sfExample destinations data
flowData frame of commuter flows
flow_destsData frame of invented commuter flows with destinations in a...
flowlines_sfSpatial lines dataset of commuter flows
geo_bbFlexible function to generate bounding boxes
geo_bb_matrixCreate matrix representing the spatial bounds of an object
geo_bufferPerform a buffer operation on a temporary projected CRS
geo_codeConvert text strings into points on the map
geo_lengthCalculate line length of line with geographic or projected...
geo_projectedPerform GIS functions on a temporary, projected version of a...
geo_select_aeqSelect a custom projected CRS for the area of interest
geo_toptailClip the first and last n metres of SpatialLines
gsectionFunction to split overlapping SpatialLines into segments
is_linepointIdentify lines that are points
islinesDo the intersections between two geometries create lines?
line2dfConvert geographic line objects to a data.frame with from and...
line2pointsConvert a spatial (linestring) object to points
line_bearingFind the bearing of straight lines
line_breakupBreak up line objects into shorter segments
line_castConvert multilinestring object into linestrings
line_midpointFind the mid-point of lines
line_segmentDivide an sf object with LINESTRING geometry into regular...
line_segment1Segment a single line, using lwgeom or rsgeo
line_viaAdd geometry columns representing a route via intermediary...
mats2lineConvert 2 matrices to lines
n_segmentsVectorised function to calculate number of segments given a...
n_verticesRetrieve the number of vertices in sf objects
od2lineConvert origin-destination data to spatial lines
od2odfExtract coordinates from OD data
od_aggregate_fromSummary statistics of trips originating from zones in OD data
od_aggregate_toSummary statistics of trips arriving at destination zones in...
od_coordsCreate matrices representing origin-destination coordinates
od_coords2lineConvert origin-destination coordinates into desire lines
od_data_linesExample of desire line representations of origin-destination...
od_data_routesExample segment-level route data
od_data_sampleExample of origin-destination data from UK Census
od_idCombine two ID values to create a single ID number
od_id_orderGenerate ordered ids of OD pairs so lowest is always first...
odmatrix_to_odConvert origin-destination data from wide to long format
od_onewayAggregate od pairs they become non-directional
od_to_odmatrixConvert origin-destination data from long to wide format
onewaygeoAggregate flows so they become non-directional (by geometry -...
osm_net_exampleExample of OpenStreetMap road network
overlineConvert series of overlapping lines into a route network
overline_intersectionConvert series of overlapping lines into a route network
pipePipe operator
points2flowConvert a series of points into geographical flows
points2lineConvert a series of points, or a matrix of coordinates, into...
points2odfConvert a series of points into a dataframe of origins and...
quadrantSplit a spatial object into quadrants
read_table_builderImport and format Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)...
rnet_add_nodeAdd a node to route network
rnet_boundary_pointsGet points at the beginner and end of linestrings
rnet_breakup_verticesBreak up an sf object with LINESTRING geometry.
rnet_connectedKeep only segments connected to the largest group in a...
rnet_cycleway_intersectionExample of cycleway intersection data showing problems for...
rnet_get_nodesExtract nodes from route network
rnet_groupAssign segments in a route network to groups
rnet_joinJoin route networks
rnet_mergeMerge route networks, keeping attributes with aggregating...
rnet_overpassExample of overpass data showing problems for...
rnet_roundaboutExample of roundabout data showing problems for...
rnet_subsetSubset one route network based on overlaps with another
routePlan routes on the transport network
route_average_gradientReturn average gradient across a route
route_bikecitizensGet a route from the BikeCitizens web service
route_dodgrRoute on local data using the dodgr package
route_googleFind shortest path using Google services
route_nearest_pointFind nearest route to a given point
route_network_sfSpatial lines dataset representing a route network
route_network_smallSpatial lines dataset representing a small route network
route_osrmPlan routes on the transport network using the OSRM server
route_rolling_averageReturn smoothed averages of vector
route_rolling_diffReturn smoothed differences between vector values
route_rolling_gradientCalculate rolling average gradient from elevation data at...
route_sequential_distCalculate the sequential distances between sequential...
routes_fast_sfSpatial lines dataset of commuter flows on the travel network
route_slope_matrixCalculate the gradient of line segments from a matrix of...
route_slope_vectorCalculate the gradient of line segments from distance and...
route_splitSplit route in two at point on or near network
route_split_idSplit route based on the id or coordinates of one of its...
routes_slow_sfSpatial lines dataset of commuter flows on the travel network
stplanr-deprecatedDeprecated functions in stplanr
stplanr-package*stplanr: Sustainable Transport Planning with R*
toptail_buffClip the beginning and ends of 'sf' LINESTRING objects
zones_sfSpatial polygons of home locations for flow analysis.
ropensci/stplanr documentation built on March 15, 2024, 4:32 a.m.