
Code contributions

Broad overview of contributing workflow


To add tests, go to the folder tests/testthat/. Tests are generally organized as individual files for each exported function from the package (that is, listed as an export in the NAMESPACE file). If you are adding a new exported function, add a new test file. If you are changing an existing function, work in the tests file for that function, unless it doesn't have tests, in which case make a new test file.

The book R packages book provides a chapter on testing in general. Do consult that first if you aren't familiar with testing in R.

The easiest set up to run tests is from within an R session:

# loads the package

To test an individual test file


To run all tests


If you are running tests that have skip_on_cran() in them, set Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN = "true") prior to running tests.

Making changes

In addition to changing the code, do make sure to udpate the documentation if applicable. The R packages book book has a chapter on documentation you should read if you aren't familiar.

After code and documentation has been changed, update documentation by running either devtools::document() or roxygen2::roxygenise().

Make sure if you change what packages or even functions within packages are imported, most likely add the package to Imports in the DESCRIPTION file and list what functions are imported in the taxize-package.R file.

Be conservative about adding new dependencies.


Also, check out our discussion forum

ropensci/taxize documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 11:36 p.m.