itis_acceptname: Retrieve accepted TSN and name

View source: R/itis_acceptname.R

itis_acceptnameR Documentation

Retrieve accepted TSN and name


Retrieve accepted TSN and name


itis_acceptname(searchtsn, ...)



One or more TSN for a taxon (numeric/integer)


Curl options passed on tocrul::verb-GET


data.frame with with row number equal to input vector length, and with three columns:

  • submittedtsn (numeric) - The submitted TSN

  • acceptedname (character) - The accepted name - if the submitted TSN is the accepted TSN, then this is NA_character_ because ITIS does not return a name along with the TSN if it's an accepted name. We could make an extra HTTP request to ITIS, but that means additional time.

  • acceptedtsn (numeric) - The accepted TSN

  • author (character) - taxonomic authority


## Not run: 
# TSN accepted - good name
itis_acceptname(searchtsn = 208527)

# TSN not accepted - input TSN is old
itis_acceptname(searchtsn = 504239)

# many accepted names
ids <- c(18161, 18162, 18163, 18164, 18165, 18166, 46173, 46174,
46178, 46181, 46186, 46193, 46196, 46197, 46200, 46201, 46204,
46207, 46867, 46868)
itis_acceptname(searchtsn = ids)

# many unaccepted names
ids <- c(39087, 46208, 46973, 46976, 46978, 46980, 47295, 47445,
47448, 47512, 47515, 47527, 47546, 47622, 47783, 47786, 47787,
47788, 47835, 47839)
itis_acceptname(searchtsn = ids)

# many: mix of accepted and unaccepted names
ids <- c(18161, 18162, 47527, 47546, 47622, 46200)
itis_acceptname(searchtsn = ids)

## End(Not run)

ropensci/taxize documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 11:36 p.m.