
  warning = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

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taxizedb - Tools for Working with Taxonomic Databases


taxizedb is an R package for interacting with taxonomic databases. Its functionality can be divided in two parts: 1. You can download the databases to your platform 2. You can query the downloaded databases to retrieve taxonomic information.

This two step approach is different from tools which interact with web services for each query, and has a number of advantages:

Data sources

When you download a database with taxizedb it will automatically convert it to SQLite and then all query functions will interact with this SQLite database. However, not all taxonomic databases are publicly available, or can be converted to SQLite. The following databases are supported:

Get in touch in the issues with any ideas on new data sources.

Package API

This package for each data sources performs the following tasks:

You can use the src connections with dplyr, etc. to do operations downstream. Or use the database connection to do raw SQL queries.


CRAN version


dev version



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ropensci/taxizedb documentation built on June 7, 2024, 4:15 a.m.