align_local: Local alignment of natural language texts

View source: R/align_local.R

align_localR Documentation

Local alignment of natural language texts


This function takes two texts, either as strings or as TextReuseTextDocument objects, and finds the optimal local alignment of those texts. A local alignment finds the best matching subset of the two documents. This function adapts the Smith-Waterman algorithm, used for genetic sequencing, for use with natural language. It compare the texts word by word (the comparison is case-insensitive) and scores them according to a set of parameters. These parameters define the score for a match, and the penalties for a mismatch and for opening a gap (i.e., the first mismatch in a potential sequence). The function then reports the optimal local alignment. Only the subset of the documents that is a match is included. Insertions or deletions in the text are reported with the edit_mark character.


  match = 2L,
  mismatch = -1L,
  gap = -1L,
  edit_mark = "#",
  progress = interactive()



A character vector of length one, or a TextReuseTextDocument.


A character vector of length one, or a TextReuseTextDocument.


The score to assign a matching word. Should be a positive integer.


The score to assign a mismatching word. Should be a negative integer or zero.


The penalty for opening a gap in the sequence. Should be a negative integer or zero.


A single character used for displaying for displaying insertions/deletions in the documents.


Display a progress bar and messages while computing the alignment.


The compute time of this function is proportional to the product of the lengths of the two documents. Thus, longer documents will take considerably more time to compute. This function has been tested with pairs of documents containing about 25 thousand words each.

If the function reports that there were multiple optimal alignments, then it is likely that there is no strong match in the document.

The score reported for the local alignment is dependent on both the size of the documents and on the strength of the match, as well as on the parameters for match, mismatch, and gap penalties, so the scores are not directly comparable.


A list with the class textreuse_alignment. This list contains several elements:

  • a_edit and b_edit: Character vectors of the sequences with edits marked.

  • score: The score of the optimal alignment.


For a useful description of the algorithm, see this post. For the application of the Smith-Waterman algorithm to natural language, see David A. Smith, Ryan Cordell, and Elizabeth Maddock Dillon, "Infectious Texts: Modeling Text Reuse in Nineteenth-Century Newspapers." IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2013,


align_local("The answer is blowin' in the wind.",
            "As the Bob Dylan song says, the answer is blowing in the wind.")

# Example of matching documents from a corpus
dir <- system.file("extdata/legal", package = "textreuse")
corpus <- TextReuseCorpus(dir = dir, progress = FALSE)
alignment <- align_local(corpus[["ca1851-match"]], corpus[["ny1850-match"]])

ropensci/textreuse documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 4:36 a.m.