print.tidync: Print tidync object

View source: R/tidync.R

print.tidyncR Documentation

Print tidync object


Provide a summary of variables and dimensions, organized by their 'grid' (or 'shape') and with a summary of any slicing operations provided as 'start' and 'count' summaries for each dimension in the active grid.


## S3 method for class 'tidync'
print(x, ...)



NetCDF object




See tidync for detail about the object, and hyper_vars for programmatic access to the active grid's variable and dimension information.

The print summary is organized in two sections, the first is available grids (sets of dimensions) and their associated variables, the second is the dimensions, separated into active and inactive. All dimensions may be active in some NetCDF sources.

Individual active dimensions include the following components: * 'dim' - dimension label, D0, D1, D2, ... * 'name' - dimension name * 'length' - size of the dimension * 'min' - minimum value of the dimension * 'max' - maximum value of the dimension * 'start' - start index of subsetting * 'count' - length of subsetting index * 'dmin' - minimum value of the subset dimension * 'dmax' - maximum value of the subset dimension * 'unlim'

  • indicates whether dimension is unlimited (spread across other files, usually the time-step) * 'coord_dim' - indicates whether dimension is a coordinate-dimension (i.e. listed as a 1-D grid)

The inactive dimension summary does not include 'start', 'count', 'dmin', 'dmax' as these are identical to the values of 1, 'length', 'min', 'max' when no array subsetting has been applied.


argofile <- system.file("extdata/argo/", package = "tidync")
argo <- tidync(argofile)

## the print is modified by choosing a new grid or running filters
argo %>% activate("D7,D9,D11,D8")

argo %>% hyper_filter(N_LEVELS = index > 300)

ropensci/tidync documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 10:01 p.m.