
# write_interactions <- function(x, file) {
#   cat(yaml::as.yaml(
#     list(
#       list(
#         request = list(
#           method = x$request$method,
#           uri = x$request$uri,
#           body = list(
#             encoding = "",
#             string = get_body(x$request$body)
#           ),
#           headers = x$request$headers
#         ),
#         response = list(
#           status = x$response$status,
#           headers = x$response$headers,
#           body = list(
#             # encoding = "",
#             encoding = encoding_guess(x$response$body),
#             # FIXME - be able to toggle whether to base64encode or not
#             string = if (vcr_c$preserve_exact_body_bytes) {
#               base64enc::base64encode(charToRaw(get_body(x$response$body)))
#             } else {
#               get_body(x$response$body)
#             }
#           )
#         ),
#         recorded_at = paste0(format(Sys.time(), tz = "GMT"), " GMT"),
#         recorded_with = paste0("vcr/", utils::packageVersion("vcr"))
#       )
#     )
#   ), file = file, append = TRUE)
# }

# write_interactions <- function(x, file){
#   cat("- request:", sep = "\n", file = file, append = TRUE)
#   cf(sprintf("method: %s", x$request$method), file)
#   cf(sprintf("uri: %s", x$request$uri), file)
#   cf(sprintf("body:"), file)
#   cf(sprintf("   encoding: "), file)
#   cf(sprintf("   string: %s", get_body(x$request$body)), file)
#   forwrite("headers:", x$request$headers, file)
#   cat("  response:", file = file, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")
#   cf(sprintf("status:"), file)
#   cf(sprintf("   code: %s", strex(x$response$status$message, "[0-9]{3}")), file)
#   cf(sprintf("   message: %s", x$response$status$reason), file)
#   forwrite("headers:", x$response$headers, file)
#   cf(sprintf("body:"), file)
#   cf(sprintf("   encoding: %s", Encoding(x$response$body)), file)
#   cf("   string:", file)
#   # FIXME - we shouldn't always be base64 encoding, only when user requests it
#   str <- base64enc::base64encode(charToRaw(get_body(x$response$body)))
#   ncar <- nchar(str)
#   cat(
#       strwrap(
#         paste0(substring(str, seq(1, ncar, 60), seq(60, ncar, 60)), collapse = "\n"),
#         width = 60, indent = 10, exdent = 10
#       ),
#       file = file, fill = 80, append = TRUE
#   )
#   cat(sprintf("   recorded_at: %s", Sys.time()), file = file, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
#   cat(sprintf("   recorded_with: %s", paste0("vcr/", utils::packageVersion("vcr"))), file = file, sep = "\n", append = TRUE)
# }
ropensci/vcr documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 4:57 p.m.