
vis_dat fails when the wrong palette is provided

  vis_dat(typical_data, palette = "wat")
Error <rlang_error>
  Palette arguments need to be one of: 'qual', 'cb_safe', or 'default'
  You palette argument was: `wat`

vis_dat fails when an object of the wrong class is provided

Error <rlang_error>
  `vis_dat()` requires a <data.frame>
  the object I see has class(es):

data_vis_dat gets the data properly

  # A tibble: 918 x 4
      rows variable valueType value
     <int> <chr>    <chr>     <chr>
   1     1 Day      integer   41   
   2     1 Month    integer   190  
   3     1 Ozone    integer   7.4  
   4     1 Solar.R  integer   67   
   5     1 Temp     integer   5    
   6     1 Wind     numeric   1    
   7     2 Day      integer   36   
   8     2 Month    integer   118  
   9     2 Ozone    integer   8    
  10     2 Solar.R  integer   72   
  # i 908 more rows

data_vis_dat gets the data properly for groups

  # A tibble: 765 x 5
  # Groups:   Month [5]
     Month  rows variable valueType value
     <int> <int> <chr>    <chr>     <chr>
   1     5     1 Day      integer   41   
   2     5     1 Ozone    integer   190  
   3     5     1 Solar.R  integer   7.4  
   4     5     1 Temp     integer   67   
   5     5     1 Wind     numeric   1    
   6     5     2 Day      integer   36   
   7     5     2 Ozone    integer   118  
   8     5     2 Solar.R  integer   8    
   9     5     2 Temp     integer   72   
  10     5     2 Wind     numeric   2    
  # i 755 more rows

ropensci/visdat documentation built on June 5, 2023, 11:45 p.m.