
Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

Generate a HTTP API wrapper package from a yaml template for the API

The internals are a little hacky, but the point is to have as few dependencies as possible, just depending on yaml right now.



Example spec

Package Status and Installation

AppVeyor Build Status Travis-CI Build Status codecov rstudio mirror downloads


Simple yml template (not fitting swagger/etc.)

generate a package

use the function generate_pkg()

template <- system.file('examples', 'template_crossref.yml',
    package = "apipkgen")
path <- file.path(tempdir(), "crpkg")
generate_pkg(path, template_path = template)

your package needs functions

The package created doesn't have any exported functions, just internal functions for your to build user facing functions.

Let's write a user facing functions. The Crossref API template above specified for the works route that parameters are query and rows. So let's work with those.

crossref_works <- function(query = NULL, rows = NULL, ...) {
  crpkg::works(query = query, rows = rows, ...)

In addition, it's a good idea to always allow users to pass in curl options. Beginners can ignore it, but power curl users will want/have to play with curl options. The function builder builds in ... as a parameter so in the user facing function above all you have to do is add that as well for users to access.

Install package

Go to the new directory, and in R/RStudio run devtools::document() and devtools::install() (or equivalent).

Use package

Call the function. The package builder gives back plain text, so you have to parse it yourself.

res <- crossref_works(query = "science")
#> $status
#> [1] "ok"
#> $`message-type`
#> [1] "work-list"
#> $`message-version`
#> [1] "1.0.0"
#> $message
#> $message$query
#> $message$query$`search-terms`
#> [1] "science"
#> $message$query$`start-index`
#> [1] 0
#> $message$`items-per-page`
#> [1] 20
#> $message$items
#> indexed.timestamp reference-count
#> 1        2015, 12, 27 2015-12-27T23:37:50Z      1.451259e+12               0
#> 2        2015, 12, 24 2015-12-24T22:03:23Z      1.450995e+12               0
#> 3        2015, 12, 25 2015-12-25T19:17:30Z      1.451071e+12               0
#> 4        2015, 12, 27 2015-12-27T19:35:51Z      1.451245e+12               0


Example 1

Get a spec, in this case from the Province of British Columbia

bc_spec <- 
bc_spec_path <- "bcgov_bcgnws.yaml"
download.file(bc_spec, bc_spec_path)

Generate the package, and install it

  pkg_path = "bcgov/", 
  template_path = bc_spec_path
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> Writing bcgov-package.Rd
#> Writing names_search.Rd
#> Writing names_official_search.Rd
#> Writing names_notOfficial_search.Rd
#> Writing names_inside.Rd
#> Writing names_near.Rd
#> Writing names_decisions_recent.Rd
#> Writing names_decisions_year.Rd
#> Writing names_changes.Rd
#> Writing names_nameId.outputFormat.Rd
#> Writing features_featureId.Rd
#> Writing featureClasses.Rd
#> Writing featureCategories.Rd
#> Writing featureTypes.Rd
#> Writing nameAuthorities.Rd
devtools::install_local("bcgov", force = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)

Restart R ...

Get man page for a function


Run some functions

#> [1] "{\n \"nameAuthorities\": [\n  {\n   \"id\": \"1\",\n   \"resourceUrl\": \"\",\n   \"nameAuthority\": \"BC Geographical Names Office\",\n   \"webSiteUrl\": \"\"},\n  {\n   \"id\": \"41\",\n   \"resourceUrl\": \"\",\n   \"nameAuthority\": \"Vancouver, City of\",\n   \"webSiteUrl\": \"\"},\n  {\n   \"id\": \"2\",\n   \"resourceUrl\": \"\",\n   \"nameAuthority\": \"BC Register of Historic Places\",\n   \"webSiteUrl\": \"\"}],\n \"legal\": {\n  \"disclaimerURI\": \"\",\n  \"privacyURI\": \"\",\n  \"copyrightNotice\": \"Copyright (c) 2019, Province of British Columbia\",\n  \"copyrightLicenseURI\": \"\"}}"
res <- bcgov::names_search(name = "Victoria")
#> # A tibble: 10 x 3
#>    type  properties$uri $name $language $status $isOfficial
#>    <chr> <chr>          <chr> <chr>     <chr>         <int>
#>  1 Feat…… Vict… English   adopted           1
#>  2 Feat…… Vict… English   adopted           1
#>  3 Feat…… Vict… not defi… adopted           1
#>  4 Feat…… Vict… not defi… adopted           1
#>  5 Feat…… Vict… not defi… adopted           1
#>  6 Feat…… Vict… not defi… adopted           1
#>  7 Feat…… Vict… not defi… adopted           1
#>  8 Feat…… Vict… not defi… adopted           1
#>  9 Feat…… Vict… not defi… adopted           1
#> 10 Feat…… Vict… not defi… adopted           1
#> # … with 24 more variables: $nameAuthority$resourceUrl <chr>, $$id <chr>,
#> #   $$nameAuthority <chr>, $$webSiteUrl <chr>, $tags <list>, $score <dbl>,
#> #   $feature$id <chr>, $$uuid <chr>, $$uri <chr>, $$mapsheets <chr>,
#> #   $$names <chr>, $changeDate <chr>, $decisionDate <chr>,
#> #   $featureCategory <int>, $featureCategoryDescription <chr>,
#> #   $featureCategoryURI <chr>, $featureType <chr>, $lonAsRecorded <int>,
#> #   $latAsRecorded <int>, $datumAsRecorded <chr>, $position <chr>,
#> #   $ntsMap <chr>, geometry$type <chr>, $coordinates <list>


unlink("bcgov", TRUE, TRUE)
unlink(bc_spec_path, TRUE)

Example 2

An example with the Directory of Open Access Journals

doaj_spec <- ""
doaj_spec_path <- "doaj.json"
download.file(doaj_spec, doaj_spec_path)

Generate the package, and install it

  pkg_path = "doaj/", 
  template_path = doaj_spec_path,
  base_url = ""
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> Writing NAMESPACE
#> Writing doaj-package.Rd
#> Writing api_v1_applications_application_id.Rd
#> Writing api_v1_articles_article_id.Rd
#> Writing api_v1_journals_journal_id.Rd
#> Writing api_v1_search_applications_search_query.Rd
#> Writing api_v1_search_articles_search_query.Rd
#> Writing api_v1_search_journals_search_query.Rd
devtools::install_local("doaj", force = TRUE, quiet = TRUE)

Run a function

#> [1] "{\"last\": \"\", \"pageSize\": 10, \"timestamp\": \"2019-0306T17:59:07Z\", \"results\": [{\"admin\": {\"ticked\": true, \"seal\": true}, \"last_updated\": \"2018-05-10T09:57:58Z\", \"id\": \"0a1162bd5eb04ffb98e6f5209659f65a\", \"bibjson\": {\"allows_fulltext_indexing\": true, \"archiving_policy\": {\"url\": \"\", \"known\": [\"Portico\"]}, \"persistent_identifier_scheme\": [\"DOI\"], \"keywords\": [\"MAP kinases\", \"biological functions\", \"cellular processes\"], \"deposit_policy\": [\"Sherpa/Romeo\"], \"article_statistics\": {\"url\": \"\", \"statistics\": true}, \"title\": \"MAP Kinase\", \"publication_time\": 10, \"provider\": \"OJS\", \"subject\": [{\"code\": \"QH301-705.5\", \"term\": \"Biology (General)\", \"scheme\": \"LCC\"}], \"format\": [\"PDF\", \"XML\"], \"plagiarism_detection\": {\"detection\": true, \"url\": \"\"}, \"apc_url\": \"\", \"link\": [{\"url\": \"\", \"type\": \"homepage\"}, {\"url\": \"\", \"type\": \"waiver_policy\"}, {\"url\": \"\", \"type\": 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