
# extracts the i-th list of complete parameters from the result of a parsed yaml
get_params <- function (res, i, this_fn) {

    p <- res$parameters [[i]]
    p_keys <- vapply (p, function (i) names (i), character (1))
    # vals as list to allow different types of data
    p_vals <- lapply (p, function (i) i [[1]])

    # remove any with NULL values
    # index <- which (vapply (p_vals, function (i) !is.null (i), logical (1)))
    # p_keys <- p_keys [index]
    # p_vals <- p_vals [index]

    . <- NULL # suppress no visible binding note # nolint
    pre <- res$preprocess [[i]]

    # Environment of all loaded packages:
    pkgs <- grep ("^package\\:", search (), value = TRUE)
    envs <- lapply (pkgs, function (i) as.environment (i))
    names (envs) <- pkgs
    pkg_env <- list2env (envs)

    for (p in pre) {
        # remove "`" except if they name list items
        if (!grepl ("\\$`", p)) {
            p <- gsub ("`", "", p)
        expr <- parse (text = p)
        suppressMessages (
            tmp <- tryCatch (
                utils::capture.output (eval (expr,
                    envir = pkg_env
                error = function (e) NULL

    params <- fill_param_vals (p_keys, p_vals, pkg_env, res$package)

    # Parse fn definition to get list of all parameters:
    if (!res$package %in% search ()) {
        suppressMessages (
            library (res$package, character.only = TRUE)
    if (grepl (":::", this_fn)) { # internal fn, so attach to pkg_env
        this_fn <- rm_internal_namespace (this_fn)
        tmp_fn <- utils::getFromNamespace (this_fn, res$package)
        pkg_env [[this_fn]] <- tmp_fn
    pars <- formals (fun = this_fn, envir = pkg_env)

    # Eval any formals in function environment (#85):
    # (This does not work, and can not be implemented in this form.)
    # params_env <- as.environment (params)
    # parent.env (params_env) <- pkg_env
    # index <- which (vapply (
    #     pars,
    #     function (i) methods::is (i, "call") && !is.symbol (i),
    #     logical (1)
    # ))
    # pars [index] <- lapply (pars [index], function (p) {
    #     res <- p
    #     if (methods::is (p, "call") && !is.symbol (p)) {
    #         res <- eval (p, envir = params_env)
    #     }
    # })

    nms <- names (pars)

    pars <- clean_final_pars_list (params, pars, nms)

    # Add all resultant params from fn definition yet not directly specified to
    # the return list.
    for (p in seq (pars)) {
        params [[length (params) + 1]] <- pars [[p]]
        names (params) [length (params)] <- names (pars) [p]

    # finally, remove any params that are if conditionals, since evaluting these
    # requires parsing and evaluating all other parameters, and if conditions
    # can not be mutated anyway
    index <- which (vapply (
        params, function (i) !methods::is (i, "if"),
        logical (1)
    params <- params [index]

    return (params)

# Get the 'value' field from an Rd entry for a given package function:
get_Rd_value <- function (package, fn_name) { # nolint
    val <- NULL

    if (pkg_is_source (package)) {
        f <- file.path (package, "man", paste0 (fn_name, ".Rd"))
        suppressWarnings (
            rd <- tools::parse_Rd (f)
    } else {
        if (basename (package) == package) {
            x <- tools::Rd_db (package = package)
        } else {
            # packages installed into local tempdir via covr:
            x <- tools::Rd_db (
                package = basename (package),
                dir = package
        rd <- x [[paste0 (fn_name, ".Rd")]]

    # just to check whether there is a return value:
    val <- get_Rd_metadata (rd, "value")
    if (length (val) == 0) {
        return (NULL)

    # Then get actual value by converting to text:
    f <- tempfile (fileext = ".txt")
    tools::Rd2txt (rd, out = f)
    rd_txt <- gsub ("\\_\\\b", "", readLines (f))
    sec_index <- grep ("^[[:alpha:]].*:$", rd_txt)
    i0 <- grep ("^Value:$", rd_txt)
    if (i0 == max (sec_index)) {
        index <- (i0 + 1):length (rd_txt)
    } else {
        i1 <- sec_index [which (sec_index > i0) [1]]
        index <- (i0 + 1):(i1 - 1)
    val <- rd_txt [index]

    return (val)

get_Rd_param <- function (package, fn_name, param_name) { # nolint

    a <- m_fns_to_topics (package = package)

    if (pkg_is_source (package)) {

        f <- file.path (
            a$name [a$alias == fn_name]
        suppressWarnings (
            rd <- tools::parse_Rd (f)
    } else {

        if (basename (package) == package) {

            x <- tools::Rd_db (package = package)
        } else {

            # packages installed into local tempdir via covr:
            x <- tools::Rd_db (
                package = basename (package),
                dir = package

        rd <- x [[a$name [a$alias == fn_name]]]

    index <- vapply (
        rd, function (i) {
            attr (i, "Rd_tag") == "\\arguments"
        logical (1)
    index <- which (index)
    if (length (index) == 0) {
        return (NULL)
    } else if (length (index) == 1) {
        rd <- rd [[index]]
    } else {
        rd <- rd [index]

    # rm just list items that are just line breaks
    len <- vapply (rd, length, integer (1))
    rd <- rd [which (len > 1)]
    rd <- lapply (rd, unlist)
    params <- vapply (rd, function (i) i [1], character (1))
    rd <- vapply (
        rd, function (i) paste0 (i [-1], collapse = ""),
        character (1)

    ret <- NA_character_
    if (param_name %in% params) {
        ret <- rd [which (params == param_name)]
    return (ret)

get_param_descs_source <- function (package, fn) {
    f <- file.path (package, "man", paste0 (fn, ".Rd"))
    x <- readLines (f, warn = FALSE)

    # get the value descriptions
    x <- x [grep ("^\\\\arguments\\{", x):length (x)]
    x <- x [2:(match_curlies (x) - 1)]
    x <- x [x != ""]

    index <- grep ("^\\\\item\\{", x)
    index <- rep (seq (index),
        times = c (diff (index), length (x) - max (index) + 1)
    xs <- split (x, f = as.factor (index))

    items <- vapply (xs, function (i) {
        i <- gsub ("^\\\\item\\{|\\}$", "", i)
        return (strsplit (i, "\\}") [[1]] [1]) },
    character (1),
    descs <- vapply (xs, function (i) {
        i <- paste0 (gsub ("^\\\\item\\{|\\}$", "", i),
            collapse = " "
        return (substr (i, regexpr ("\\{", i) + 1, nchar (i)))
    character (1),

    names (descs) <- items

    return (descs)

fill_param_vals <- function (p_keys, p_vals, pkg_env, package) {

    params <- list ()

    for (p in seq_along (p_keys)) {

        this_val <- p_vals [[p]]
        if (is.null (this_val)) {

        this_val <- get_non_formula_val (
        # leave formulae as strings:
        if (methods::is (this_val, "formula")) {
            this_val <- p_vals [[p]]

        params [[length (params) + 1]] <- this_val
        names (params) [length (params)] <- p_keys [p]

    return (params)

# stats::var is a good example where param, `x`, is passed as a formula and
# evaluated here via !can_get but can_eval.
get_non_formula_val <- function (this_val, pkg_env, package, p_vals, p) {

    if (is.name (this_val)) {

        temp_val <- paste0 (this_val)

        temp_val_get <- tryCatch (get (temp_val, envir = pkg_env),
            error = function (e) NULL
        temp_val_eval <- tryCatch (
            eval (parse (text = this_val),
                envir = pkg_env
            error = function (err) NULL

        can_get <- !is.null (tryCatch (get (temp_val),
            error = function (e) NULL
        can_eval <- !is.null (tryCatch (
            eval (parse (text = this_val),
                envir = pkg_env
            error = function (err) NULL

        if (!is.null (temp_val_get)) {
            this_val <- temp_val_get
        } else if (!is.null (temp_val_eval)) {
            this_val <- temp_val_eval
        } else if (grepl ("::", temp_val)) {
            this_pkg <- strsplit (temp_val, "::") [[1]] [1]
            if (!this_pkg %in% search ()) {
                suppressMessages (
                    library (this_pkg,
                        character.only = TRUE
            this_val <- parse (text = temp_val) %>%
                eval (envir = as.environment (paste0 (
        } else {
            this_val <- tryCatch (eval (this_val, envir = pkg_env),
                error = function (e) NULL

    } else if (is.character (this_val)) {

        if (this_val %in% names (pkg_env)) {
            this_val <- parse (text = this_val) %>%
                eval (envir = pkg_env)
        } else if (grepl ("::", this_val)) {
            this_pkg <- strsplit (p_vals [[p]], "::") [[1]] [1]
            if (!this_pkg %in% search ()) {
                suppressMessages (
                    library (this_pkg, character.only = TRUE)
            this_val <- parse (text = this_val) %>%
                eval (envir = as.environment (paste0 (
        } else {
            tryeval <- tryCatch (eval (parse (text = this_val)),
                error = function (e) NULL
            # Character values may also name functions, in which case these
            # should NOT be assigned to the values. An example is ?var which has
            # `method = "complete"`, where "complete" is also a function.
            if (!is.null (tryeval)) {
                if (!methods::is (tryeval, "function")) {
                    this_val <- tryeval

    return (this_val)

clean_final_pars_list <- function (params, pars, nms) {

    # If fn includes ... AND any submitted params are not named, then remove the
    # ... from returned list
    if ("..." %in% nms & any (!names (params) %in% nms)) {
        pars <- pars [which (!nms == "...")]
        nms <- nms [which (!nms == "...")]

    # parameters in formals with no default values are returned as empty
    # 'symbol' expressions - this converts these to "MISSING":
    pars <- lapply (pars, function (i) {
        if (typeof (i) == "symbol" & all (deparse (i) == "")) {
            return ("MISSING")
        } else if (is.null (i)) {
            return ("NULL")
        } else {
            return (i)
    index <- pmatch (names (params), nms)
    index <- index [which (!is.na (index))]
    pars <- pars [-index]
    nms <- nms [-index]
    # That can then be used to check that any with non-default values have been
    # provided:
    if (any (pars == "MISSING")) {
        no_defaults <- nms [which (pars == "MISSING")]
        no_defaults <- no_defaults [which (no_defaults %in% names (params))]
        if (length (no_defaults) > 0) {
            stop (
                "function includes the following parameters which require ",
                "non-default values:\n   [",
                paste0 (no_defaults, collapse = ", "),
        # The rest must be in params, so the default "MISSING" entries can be
        # removed here:
        pars <- pars [which (pars != "MISSING")]

    return (pars)
ropenscilabs/autotest documentation built on Feb. 22, 2024, 11:11 p.m.