cchn_rules: Notifications: add, list, get, delete notification rules

cchn_rulesR Documentation

Notifications: add, list, get, delete notification rules


Notifications: add, list, get, delete notification rules


cchn_rules_add(rules, email, quiet = FALSE, ...)

  status = NULL,
  platform = NULL,
  time = NULL,
  regex = NULL,
  package = NULL,
  email = NULL,
  path = ".",
  quiet = FALSE,

  status = NULL,
  platform = NULL,
  time = NULL,
  regex = NULL,
  email = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,

cchn_pkg_rule_delete(id, email = NULL, path = ".", ...)

cchn_rule_delete(id, email = NULL, quiet = FALSE, ...)

cchn_pkg_rule_get(id, email = NULL, path = ".", ...)

cchn_rule_get(id, email = NULL, quiet = FALSE, ...)

cchn_pkg_rule_list(email = NULL, path = ".", ...)

cchn_rule_list(email = NULL, quiet = FALSE, ...)



(list) a list of rules. each element in the list must be a named list, in which each must have a "package", and a set of rules (see below)


(character) email address to use for interaction with the CRAN checks API. we use the email address in the maintainers slot of the DESCRIPTION file of your working directory. you can supply an email address instead


(logical) suppress messages? default: FALSE


Curl options passed to crul::verb-GET, crul::verb-POST, or crul::verb-DELETE


(character) a check status, one of: error, warn, note, fail


(character) a platform, a string to match against the platform strings used by cran checks. e.g., "osx" would match any osx platform check results, whereas you could limit the rule to just a single specific platform by using the target platforms exact string "r-oldrel-osx-x86_64". Leave as NULL (the default) to match all platforms.


(integer) number of days


(character) a regex string


(character) a package name. if NULL, we attempt to get the package name from the working directory, and fail out if there's not a valid package structure/package name


(character) path to a directory containing an R package


(integer) a rule id. note that you can not get or delete rules that are not yours. required


Functions prefixed with cchn_pkg_ operate within a package directory. That is, your current working directory is an R package, and is the package for which you want to handle CRAN checks notifications. These functions make sure that you are inside of an R package, and use the email address and package name based on the directory you're in.

Functions prefixed with just cchn_ do not operate within a package. These functions do not guess package name at all, but require the user to supply a package name (for those functions that require a package name); and instead of guessing an email address from your package, we guess email from the cached cchecks email file.

  • cchn_pkg_rule_add()/cchn_rule_add(): add a rule, one rule per function call

  • cchn_rules_add(): add many rules at once; no option for package context

  • cchn_pkg_rule_get()/cchn_rule_get(): get a rule by rule id (see cchn_pkg_rule_list()/cchn_rule_list() to get ids; can only get rules for the authenticated user)

  • cchn_pkg_rule_list()/cchn_rule_list(): list rules for the authenticated user - cchn_pkg_rule_list() lists rules only for the package in question, while cchn_rule_list() lists all rules for the user (email)

  • cchn_pkg_rule_delete()/cchn_rule_delete(): delete a rule by rule id (only those for the authenticated user)


  • cchn_pkg_rule_add()/cchn_rule_add()/cchn_rules_add(): message about the rule added, and a note about using cchn_rule_list() to list your rules

  • cchn_pkg_rule_get()/cchn_rule_get(): list with elements error and data (a list of the parts of the rule)

  • cchn_pkg_rule_list()/cchn_rule_list(): list with elements error and data (a data.frame of all the rules associated with your email)

  • cchn_pkg_rule_delete()/cchn_rule_delete(): if deletion works, a message saying "ok"

example rules

Note that the first parameter package is left out for brevity

  • ERROR for at least 1 day across all platforms

    • cchn_rule_add(status = 'error')

  • ERROR for 3 days in a row across 2 or more platforms

    • cchn_rule_add(status = 'error', time = 3, platform = 2)

  • ERROR for 2 days in a row on all osx platforms

    • cchn_rule_add(status = 'error', time = 2, platform = "osx")

  • ERROR for 2 days in a row on all release R versions

    • cchn_rule_add(status = 'error', time = 2, platform = "release")

  • WARN for 4 days in a row on any platform except Solaris

    • cchn_rule_add(status = 'warn', time = 4, platform = "-solaris")

  • WARN for 2 days in a row across 9 or more platforms

    • cchn_rule_add(status = 'warn', time = 2, platform = 10)

  • NOTE on any osx platform

    • cchn_rule_add(status = 'note', platform = "osx")

  • NOTE on any platform

    • cchn_rule_add(status = 'note')

  • error details contain regex 'install'

    • cchn_rule_add(regex = "install")


## Not run: 
## Workflow 1: within a package directory
# (x <- cchn_pkg_rule_list())
# if (length(x$data$id) > 0) {
#  cchn_pkg_rule_get(x$data$id[1])
#  cchn_pkg_rule_delete(x$data$id[1])
#  cchn_pkg_rule_get(id = x$data$id[1])
# }

## Workflow 2: not in a package directory
# (x <- cchn_rule_list())
# if (length(x$data$id) > 0) {
#  cchn_rule_get(x$data$id[1])
#  cchn_rule_delete(x$data$id[1])
#  cchn_rule_get(id = x$data$id[1])
# }

## cchn_pkg_rule_add: add a rule - guesses the package name
## you can specify the package name instead
# cchn_pkg_rule_add(status = "note", platform = 3,
#  email = "some-email")
## cchn_rule_add: add a rule - not in package context, must 
## specify the package name
# cchn_rule_add(package = "foobar", status = "note", platform = 3,
#  email = "some-email")

## cchn_pkg_rule_add: should guess package name and email
# cchn_pkg_rule_add(status = "note", platform = 3)

## cchn_rule_add: package name must be supplied. takes first email
## from cached emails.csv file, see `?cchn_register` for more
# cchn_rule_add(package = "foobar", status = "warn", platform = 2)

## cchn_rules_add: add many rules at once
## no package context here, email and package names must be given
# pkg <- "charlatan"
# rules <- list(
#   list(package = pkg, status = "warn"),
#   list(package = pkg, status = "error", time = 4)
# )
# cchn_rules_add(rules, "your-email", verbose = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

ropenscilabs/cchecks documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 3:54 a.m.