
  comment = "#>",
  tidy = FALSE,
  error = FALSE,
  fig.width = 8,
  fig.height = 8)

Project Status: WIP - Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. Build Status

checkers is a framework for reviewing analysis projects. This package provides both automatied checks for best practises as well as a descriptive guide for best practices.

Analysis Review Criteria

Our full, in-development analysis review guide is available here as a google doc. We categorize checks according to tiers of 'best practise' and potential degree of automation:

Example check 'best practices' in terms of their importance (y-axis) and the degree they can be automated (x-axis).

Automated checks

The checkers package runs automated tests, using extensions on the goodpractice package.




Run gp_check() on your analysis directory for a report on common best practices for analysis directories.

gp_check(path=system.file("scripts", package="checkers"),
         checks=c("comments", "version_control"))

Helper functions allow one to create custom checks for common tasks. For instance, make_pref_pkg_check() defines a test for preferred packages. These helpers are used with goodpractice's (in-development) API for extensions:

xml_check <- make_pref_pkg_check(unfavored = "XML", favored = "xml2")
gp_check(path=system.file("scripts", package="checkers"),
         extra_preps = list(packages=prep_packages),
         extra_checks = list(xml=xml_check))

checkers has a growing list of default checks but may also be configured for personal or group preferences. A YAML file may be provided to set project-, user- or system-wide defaults for checks:

cat(paste(readLines(system.file("extdata", "default.yaml", package="checkers")), collapse="\n"))

Review checklist framework

Automation Levels


Automatable examples

1. Automatable & "Must have"

2. Automatable & "Nice to have"

3. Automatable & "Recommended"

ropenscilabs/checkers documentation built on May 20, 2022, 10:58 a.m.