cmip_cache: Manage cached CMIP files

cmip_cacheR Documentation

Manage cached CMIP files


Manage cached CMIP files


cache_delete only accepts 1 file name, while cache_delete_all doesn't accept any names, but deletes all files. For deleting many specific files, use cache_delete in a lapply type call

We cache using hoardr for managing cached files. Find where files are being cached with cmip_cache$cache_path_get()


  • cmip_cache$list() returns a character vector of full path file names

  • cmip_cache$delete() deletes one or more files, returns nothing

  • cmip_cache$delete_all() delete all files, returns nothing

  • cmip_cache$details() prints file name and file size for each file, supply with one or more files, or no files (and get details for all available)


## Not run: 

# list files in cache

# List info for single files
allfiles <- cmip_cache$list()
cmip_cache$details(files = allfiles[1])
cmip_cache$details(files = allfiles[2])

# List info for all files

# delete files by name in cache
# cmip_cache$delete(files = allfiles[1])
# cmip_cache$list()

# delete all files in cache
# cmip_cache$delete_all()
# cmip_cache$list()

## End(Not run)

ropenscilabs/cmip documentation built on May 18, 2022, 7:35 p.m.