Man pages for ropenscilabs/crul
HTTP Client

AsyncSimple async client
AsyncVariedAsync client for different request types
content-typesWorking with content types
cookiesWorking with cookies
crul-optionsSet curl options, proxy, and basic auth
crul-packagecrul: HTTP Client
curl-optionscurl options
curl_verbosecurl verbose method
handleMake a handle
hooksEvent Hooks
HttpClientHTTP client
http-headersWorking with HTTP headers
HttpRequestHTTP request object
HttpResponseBase HTTP response object
mockMocking HTTP requests
okcheck if a url is okay
PaginatorPaginator client
progressprogress bars
proxiesproxy options
uploadupload file
url_buildBuild and parse URLs
verb-DELETEHTTP verb info: DELETE
verb-GETHTTP verb info: GET
verb-HEADHTTP verb info: HEAD
verb-PATCHHTTP verb info: PATCH
verb-POSTHTTP verb info: POST
verb-PUTHTTP verb info: PUT
writing-optionsWriting data options
ropenscilabs/crul documentation built on July 25, 2024, 6:19 p.m.