
Defines functions hint_geojson linting_opts

Documented in linting_opts

#' GeoJSON Linting
#' @export
#' @param lint (logical) lint geojson or not. Default: \code{FALSE}
#' @param method (character) method to use:
#' - hint - uses `geojsonlint::geojson_hint()`
#' - lint - uses `geojsonlint::geojson_lint()`
#' - validate - uses `geojsonlint::geojson_validate()`
#' @param error (logical) Throw an error on parse failure? If \code{TRUE}, then
#' function returns \code{TRUE} on success, and stop with the error
#' message on error. Default: \code{FALSE}
#' @param suppress_pkgcheck_warnings (logical) Suppress warning when
#' `geojsonlint` is not installed? Default: \code{FALSE}
#' @details linting_opts was deprecated in 0.3.5
linting_opts <- function(lint = FALSE, method = "hint", error = FALSE,
  suppress_pkgcheck_warnings = FALSE) {
  # if (!method %in% c('hint', 'lint', 'validate')) {
  #   stop("method must be one of 'hint', 'lint', or 'validate'", call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # options(geojson.lint = lint)
  # method_fun <- switch(
  #   method,
  #   hint = 'geojsonlint::geojson_hint',
  #   lint = 'geojsonlint::geojson_lint',
  #   validate = 'geojsonlint::geojson_validate'
  # )
  # options(geojson.method = method_fun)
  # options(geojson.error = error)
  # options(geojson.suppress_pkgcheck_warnings = suppress_pkgcheck_warnings)
  # list(lint = lint, method = method, error = error,
  #   suppress_pkgcheck_warnings = suppress_pkgcheck_warnings)

# hint <- function(x) {
#   eval(parse(text = getOption("geojson.method")))(
#     x,
#     error = getOption("geojson.error")
#   )
# }

hint_geojson <- function(x) {
  # if (checkforpkg('geojsonlint')) {
  #   if (getOption("geojson.lint")) hint(x)
  # }
ropenscilabs/geojson documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 7:51 p.m.