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GeoJSON linters available in geojsonlint

Both functions return the same outputs. If the GeoJSON is valid, they return TRUE. If the GeoJSON is invalid, they return FALSE, plus reason(s) that the GeoJSON is invalid in an attribute named errors as a data.frame. The fields in the data.frame's are not the same across functions unfortunately, but they can be easily coerced to combine via e.g., plyr::rbind.fill or dplyr::bind_rows or data.table::rbindlist(fill = TRUE)

The parameters for the three functions are similar, though geojson_validate() has an extra parameter greedy that's not available in the others.


from CRAN


Dev version


Good GeoJSON

geojsonhint JS library

geojson_hint(x = '{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-100, 80]}')
#> [1] TRUE

is-my-json-valid JS library

geojson_validate(x = '{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-100, 80]}')
#> [1] TRUE


geojsonhint JS library

geojson_hint('{"type": "FooBar"}')
#> [1] FALSE

is-my-json-valid JS library

geojson_validate('{ "type": "FeatureCollection" }')
#> [1] FALSE

Bad GeoJSON - with reason for failure

geojsonhint JS library

geojson_hint('{"type": "FooBar"}', inform = TRUE)
#> [1] FALSE
#> attr(,"errors")
#>   line                    message
#> 1    1 The type FooBar is unknown

is-my-json-valid JS library

geojson_validate('{ "type": "FeatureCollection" }', inform = TRUE)
#> [1] FALSE
#> attr(,"errors")
#>   field                             message
#> 1  data no (or more than one) schemas match

Bad GeoJSON - stop on validation failure

geojsonhint JS library

geojson_hint('{"type": "FooBar"}', error = TRUE)
#> Error: Line 1
#>    - The type FooBar is unknown

is-my-json-valid JS library

geojson_validate('{ "type": "FeatureCollection" }', error = TRUE)
#> Error: 1 error validating json:
#>  - data: no (or more than one) schemas match



ropenscilabs/geojsonlint documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 4:08 p.m.