
#' @title geojsonlint
#' @description **GeoJSON Linting**
#' @section Package API:
#' - [geojson_hint()] - Checks validity of geojson using the Javascript library
#'  `geojsonhint`
#' - [geojson_validate()] - Checks validity of geojson using a GeoJSON schema
#'  and the Javascript library `is-my-json-valid`
#' @importFrom V8 v8
#' @importFrom crul HttpClient
#' @importFrom jsonvalidate json_validator
#' @name geojsonlint-package
#' @aliases geojsonlint
#' @author Scott Chamberlain
#' @author Andy Teucher \email{andy.teucher@@gmail.com}
#' @docType package

#' This is the same data set from the maps library, named differently
#' This database is of us cities of population greater than about 40,000.
#' Also included are state capitals of any population size.
#' @name us_cities
#' @format A list with 6 components, namely "name", "country.etc", "pop",
#' "lat", "long", and "capital", containing the city name, the state
#' abbreviation, approximate population (as at January 2006), latitude,
#' longitude and capital status indication (0 for non-capital, 1 for
#' capital, 2 for state capital.
#' @docType data
#' @keywords data

#' This is the same data set from the maps library, named differently
#' This database is of Canadian cities of population greater than about
#' 1,000. Also included are province capitals of any population size.
#' @name canada_cities
#' @format A list with 6 components, namely "name", "country.etc", "pop",
#' "lat", "long", and "capital", containing the city name, the province
#' abbreviation, approximate population (as at January 2006), latitude,
#' longitude and capital status indication (0 for non-capital, 1 for
#' capital, 2 for provincial
#' @docType data
#' @keywords data

#' This is the same data set from the ggplot2 library
#' @name states
#' @format A data.frame with 6 components, including "long", "lat",
#' "group", "order", "region", and "subregion" columns specifying polygons
#' for each US state.
#' @docType data
#' @keywords data
ropenscilabs/geojsonlint documentation built on Sept. 12, 2022, 4:08 p.m.