  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  message = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE,
  cache = TRUE


Goal of the package/workflow: attribute a location to an article. Possible applications are:

rOpenSci is the perfect home for such a package since it has so many packages for literature access.

Currently we shall focus on the title and abstract, because maybe if a location is presented in these parts of an article, this place is important. But later, one could use the full text and calculate the frequency of occurrences of given locations, or the place in which they appear (the location of a study is quite prone to appear in Methods, while other studies might be discussed in Discussion).

In this document I'll look at different possibilities for getting locations out of text. They are:

Solution 1

Pros of solution 1: could be adapted to other entity recognition extractors (not from OpenNLP given the installation issues, but maybe spacyr although you need Python for that as far as I know), and other geocoders.

Cons of solution 1: Opencage is not free. Ambiguous locations.

Solution 2

Pros of solution 2: all in one step.

Cons of solution 2: well the API is not free either (any scientific project could have funds for software, but obviously this still makes the workflow less accessible). Also, if the texts usually geotagged are not scientific texts, maybe it's not optimal.

Solutions that won't be tested here include trying to install CLAVIN because it is a Java thing. Furthermore CLAVIN contributors include creator, so we can hope both have similar functionalities?

Proof-of-concept on the example of squirrels

because it's Sunday and squirrels are cute.

Get articles using fulltext

res1 <- ft_search(query = 'Sciurus vulgaris', from = 'plos')
x <- ft_get(res1)
squirrels <- x %>% chunks(c("title", "abstract")) %>%
  tabularize() %>% .$plos

We will only use the abstracts in the examples.

Using monkeylearn and opencage

Using opencage on say "France", one gets many results, so dealing with ambiguous results will be a big part of the work. In this document, we shall only use the first result from opencage which indeed is a bit arbitrary.

squirrels$text_md5 <- vapply(X=squirrels$abstract,
                         algo = "md5")
# find locations
locations <- monkeylearn_extract(request = squirrels$abstract,
                                 extractor_id = "ex_isnnZRbS")
locations <- filter(locations, tag == "LOCATION")

# join to the original table
solution1 <- left_join(squirrels, locations, by = "text_md5")
knitr::kable(solution1 %>% select(-abstract))

# geocoding
solution1 <- solution1 %>%
    result <- opencage_forward(x$entity)
    result <- result$result

solution1 <- unnest(solution1, .out)

# map
leaflet(data = solution1) %>% addTiles() %>%
  addMarkers(~geometry.lng,, popup = ~as.character(title))

So it kind of works, but there would be a lot of work required for choosing a better way to identify locations in text (is this monleylearn extractor the best choice?), and in assigning them a longitude and latitude or bounding box.

using geoparser

solution2 <- squirrels %>%
    result <- geoparser_q(x$abstract)
    result <- result$results
    result <- select(result, - text_md5)

solution2 <- unnest(solution2, .out)
knitr::kable(solution2 %>% select(- abstract))
# map
leaflet(data = solution2) %>% addTiles() %>%
  addMarkers(~longitude, ~latitude, popup = ~as.character(title))

I guess this looks easier...

ropenscilabs/geolocart documentation built on May 27, 2019, 8:34 p.m.