NOT_CRAN <- identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "true")
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  purl = NOT_CRAN,
  eval = NOT_CRAN


You can install the stable CRAN version


Or the development version:


Searching journals

To search for a journal you can use the jaod_journal_search, which provides information abut the search result, query and relevant information. For instance looking for heritage:

bibliography <- jaod_journal_search(query = "bibjson.keywords:heritage")

We can see with bibliography$total the total amount of results with bibliography$total. On the bibliography$results we have the information about each entry, title, creation, update, title, subject. We have for instance the id of the journal in bibliography$results$id

Getting detailed information about a journal.

Once we have a journal we might be interested in more information. We can retrieve who administrate it, when was last updated, other bibliographic references:

journal <- jaod_journal(id = bibliography$result$id[1])

So for intance looking at the subject journal$bibjson$subject we can see that is based on Ethnology, social and cultural antrophology. Or that author doesn't keep the publishing rights (journal$bibjson$author_publishing_rights$publishing_rights)

Searching articles

We might be looking for an article with some licensing

articles <- jaod_article_search(query = "license:CC-BY", sort = "bibjson.year:desc")

So we learn that there are


with CC-BY license.

Or to know the dois, or other identifiers:


Searching more detailed information about an article

If you are interested in information about the article you can use the id:

article <- jaod_article(articles$results$id[1])

We can access the title, authors, and more.

SessionInfo {-}


ropenscilabs/jaod documentation built on May 18, 2022, 7:39 p.m.