
#' add_axes
#' Adds axes to the internal region of an OSM plot.
#' @param map A \code{ggplot2} object to which the axes are to be added.
#' @param colour Colour of axis (determines colour of all elements: lines,
#' ticks, and labels).
#' @param pos Positions of axes and labels relative to entire plot device.
#' @param alpha alpha value for semi-transparent background surrounding axes and
#' labels (lower values increase transparency).
#' @param fontsize Size of axis font (in \code{ggplot2} terms; default=3).
#' @param fontface Fontface for axis labels (1:4=plain,bold,italic,bold-italic).
#' @param fontfamily Family of axis font (for example, `\code{Times}').
#' @param ... Mechanism to allow many parameters to be passed with alternative
#' names (\code{color} for \code{colour} and \code{xyz} for \code{fontxyz}.
#' @return Modified version of \code{map} with axes added.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes geom_polygon geom_segment geom_label
#' @seealso \code{\link{osm_basemap}}.
#' @examples
#' bbox <- get_bbox (c (-0.13, 51.5, -0.11, 51.52))
#' map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray20")
#' map <- add_osm_objects (map, london$dat_BNR, col = "gray40")
#' map <- add_axes (map)
#' print (map)
#' # Map items are added sequentially, so adding axes prior to objects will
#' # produce a different result.
#' map <- osm_basemap (bbox = bbox, bg = "gray20")
#' map <- add_axes (map)
#' map <- add_osm_objects (map, london$dat_BNR, col = "gray40")
#' print_osm_map (map)
#' @family map-extra
#' @export

add_axes <- function (map, colour = "black", pos = c (0.02, 0.03),
                      alpha = 0.4, fontsize = 3, fontface, fontfamily, ...) {

    args <- list (...)
    if (hasArg ("color")) colour <- args [["color"]]
    if (hasArg ("position")) pos <- args [["position"]]
    if (hasArg ("size")) fontsize <- args [["size"]]
    if (hasArg ("face")) fontface <- args [["face"]]
    if (hasArg ("family")) fontfamily <- args [["family"]]

    # ---------------  sanity checks and warnings  ---------------
    # ---------- map
    if (missing (map)) {
        stop ("map must be supplied to add_axes")
    check_map_arg (map)
    # ---------- colour
    tryCatch (
        col2rgb (colour),
        error = function (e) {

            e$message <- paste0 ("Invalid colour: ", colour)
            stop (e)
    # ---------- pos
    pos <- test_len2 (pos, "pos")
    pos <- test_numeric (pos, "pos", c (0.02, 0.03))
    pos <- test_range (pos, "pos", c (0, 1), c (0.02, 0.03))
    # ---------- alpha
    alpha <- test_len1 (alpha, "alpha")
    alpha <- test_numeric (alpha, "alpha", 0.4)
    alpha <- test_range (alpha, "alpha", c (0, 1), 0.4)
    # ---------- fontsize
    fontsize <- test_len1 (fontsize, "fontsize")
    fontsize <- test_numeric (fontsize, "fontsize", 3)
    fontsize <- test_pos (fontsize, "fontsize", 3)
    # ---------------  end sanity checks and warnings  ---------------

    # The following are defaults from ggplot2/geom-label.R
    if (missing (fontface)) fontface <- 1
    if (missing (fontfamily)) fontfamily <- ""

    xrange <- map$coordinates$limits$x
    yrange <- map$coordinates$limits$y

    xp <- pretty (xrange) [2:(length (pretty (xrange)) - 1)]
    yp <- pretty (yrange) [2:(length (pretty (yrange)) - 1)]
    # change notation so xaxs_pos are y-coordinates of the x-axis
    xaxs_pos <- min (yrange) + pos * diff (yrange)
    axis_ratio <- diff (yrange) / diff (xrange)
    yaxs_pos <- min (xrange) + pos * axis_ratio * diff (xrange)

    expand <- 1.0 # expansion for semi-transparent rectangles

    map <- add_axis_rectangle (map, xaxs_pos, yaxs_pos, xrange, yrange,
        alpha = alpha, expand = expand
    map <- add_tick_rectangles_h (map, xp, xaxs_pos, yaxs_pos,
        alpha = alpha, expand = expand
    map <- add_tick_rectangles_v (map, yp, xaxs_pos, yaxs_pos,
        alpha = alpha, expand = expand

    map <- add_horizontal_axis (
        map, xaxs_pos, yaxs_pos, xrange, xp, colour,
        alpha, fontsize, fontface, fontfamily
    map <- add_vertical_axis (
        map, xaxs_pos, yaxs_pos, yrange, yp, colour,
        alpha, fontsize, fontface, fontfamily

    return (map)

# add semi-transparent rectangle that underlies the axes
#  (x1,y3)---(x2,y3)
#     |         |
#     |         |
#     |         |
#  (x1,y2)---(x2,y2)----------------------------(x3,y2)
#     |         |                                  |
#  (x1,y1)---(x2,y1)----------------------------(x3,y1)
add_axis_rectangle <- function (map, xaxs_pos, yaxs_pos, xrange, yrange,
                                alpha = 0.4, expand = 1.0) {

    expand <- 1.0
    xr <- c (yaxs_pos [1] + c (-1, 1) * expand * diff (yaxs_pos), xrange [2])
    yr <- c (xaxs_pos [1] + c (-1, 1) * expand * diff (xaxs_pos), yrange [2])
    rdat <- data.frame (cbind (
        "lon" = c (
            xr [1], xr [1], xr [3], xr [3],
            xr [2], xr [2], xr [1]
        "lat" = c (
            yr [3], yr [1], yr [1], yr [2],
            yr [2], yr [3], yr [3]

    lon <- lat <- NULL # suppress 'no visible binding' error
    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = lon, y = lat, linewidth = 0)

    map + ggplot2::geom_polygon (
        data = rdat, mapping = aes,
        inherit.aes = FALSE,
        fill = rgb (1, 1, 1, alpha),
        colour = "transparent"

# add rectangles around horizontal ticks
add_tick_rectangles_h <- function (map, xp, xaxs_pos, yaxs_pos,
                                   alpha = 0.4, expand = 1.0) {

    lon <- lat <- id <- NULL # suppress 'no visible binding' error
    x0 <- xp - expand * diff (yaxs_pos)
    x1 <- xp + expand * diff (yaxs_pos)
    y <- rep (xaxs_pos [c (1, 2, 2, 1, 1)], length (xp))
    x <- as.numeric (rbind (x0, x0, x1, x1, x0))
    rdat <- data.frame (cbind (
        "id" = rep (seq (xp), each = 5),
        "lon" = x, "lat" = y

    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = lon, y = lat, group = id, linewidth = 0)

    map + ggplot2::geom_polygon (
        data = rdat, mapping = aes,
        inherit.aes = FALSE,
        fill = rgb (1, 1, 1, alpha),
        colour = "transparent"

# add rectangles around vertical ticks
add_tick_rectangles_v <- function (map, yp, xaxs_pos, yaxs_pos,
                                   alpha = 0.4, expand = 1.0) {

    lon <- lat <- id <- NULL # suppress 'no visible binding' error
    y0 <- yp - expand * diff (xaxs_pos)
    y1 <- yp + expand * diff (xaxs_pos)
    x <- rep (yaxs_pos [c (1, 2, 2, 1, 1)], length (yp))
    y <- as.numeric (rbind (y0, y0, y1, y1, y0))
    rdat <- data.frame (cbind (
        "id" = rep (seq (yp), each = 5),
        "lon" = x, "lat" = y
    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = lon, y = lat, group = id, linewidth = 0)
    map <- map + ggplot2::geom_polygon (
        data = rdat, mapping = aes,
        inherit.aes = FALSE,
        fill = rgb (1, 1, 1, alpha),
        colour = "transparent"

add_horizontal_axis <- function (map, xaxs_pos, yaxs_pos, xrange, xp, colour,
                                 alpha, fontsize, fontface, fontfamily) {

    segdat <- data.frame (
        x1 = yaxs_pos [1], x2 = max (xrange),
        y1 = xaxs_pos [1], y2 = xaxs_pos [1]
    x <- y <- x1 <- y1 <- x2 <- y2 <- NULL
    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = x1, y = y1, xend = x2, yend = y2)
    map <- map + ggplot2::geom_segment (
        data = segdat, colour = colour,
        mapping = aes

    # ticks and labels
    segdat <- data.frame (
        x1 = xp, x2 = xp,
        y1 = xaxs_pos [1], y2 = xaxs_pos [2]
    labdat <- data.frame (x = xp, y = xaxs_pos [2])

    map + ggplot2::geom_segment (
        data = segdat, colour = colour,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes (
            x = x1, y = y1,
            xend = x2,
            yend = y2
    ) +
        ggplot2::geom_label (
            data = labdat,
            mapping = ggplot2::aes (
                x = x, y = y,
                label = x
            alpha = alpha,
            size = fontsize,
            colour = colour,
            inherit.aes = FALSE,
            label.size = 0,
            vjust = "inward",
            fontface = fontface, family = fontfamily

add_vertical_axis <- function (map, xaxs_pos, yaxs_pos, yrange, yp, colour,
                               alpha, fontsize, fontface, fontfamily) {

    segdat <- data.frame (
        x1 = yaxs_pos [1], x2 = yaxs_pos [1],
        y1 = xaxs_pos [1], y2 = max (yrange)
    x <- y <- x1 <- y1 <- x2 <- y2 <- NULL
    aes <- ggplot2::aes (x = x1, y = y1, xend = x2, yend = y2)
    map <- map + ggplot2::geom_segment (
        data = segdat, colour = colour,
        mapping = aes

    # ticks and labels
    segdat <- data.frame (
        x1 = yaxs_pos [1], x2 = yaxs_pos [2],
        y1 = yp, y2 = yp
    labdat <- data.frame (x = yaxs_pos [2], y = yp)

    map + ggplot2::geom_segment (
        data = segdat, colour = colour,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes (
            x = x1, y = y1,
            xend = x2,
            yend = y2
    ) +
        ggplot2::geom_label (
            data = labdat,
            mapping = ggplot2::aes (
                x = x, y = y,
                label = y
            alpha = alpha,
            size = fontsize,
            colour = colour,
            inherit.aes = FALSE,
            label.size = 0,
            hjust = "inward",
            fontface = fontface,
            family = fontfamily
ropenscilabs/osmplotr documentation built on July 20, 2024, 9:51 p.m.