
context ("osm-basemap")

test_that ("bbox", {
    expect_error (osm_basemap (), "bbox must be provided")
    expect_error (osm_basemap (-1), "bbox must have length = 4")
    expect_error (osm_basemap ("a"), "bbox is not numeric")
    expect_error (osm_basemap (NULL), "bbox is not numeric")
    expect_error (osm_basemap (NA), "bbox is not numeric")
    expect_error (osm_basemap (c (1:3, "a")), "bbox is not numeric")
    expect_warning (osm_basemap (1:5), "bbox has length > 4")

test_that ("structures", {
    bb <- get_bbox (1:4)
    expect_error (
        osm_basemap (bb, structures = NA),
        "structures must be a data frame"
    s <- osm_structures (col_scheme = "light")
    names (s) [1] <- "x"
    expect_error (
        osm_basemap (get_bbox (1:4), structures = s),
        "structures not in recognised format"

test_that ("bg", {
    bb <- get_bbox (1:4)
    expect_error (osm_basemap (bb, bg = "a"), "Invalid colour: a")
    expect_silent (osm_basemap (bb, bg = NA))
    expect_silent (osm_basemap (bb, bg = NULL))
    expect_warning (osm_basemap (bb, bg = 1:2), "bg has length > 1")
ropenscilabs/osmplotr documentation built on July 20, 2024, 9:51 p.m.