Man pages for ropenscilabs/ozrepro
A simple interface and workflow for version control in R (implemented using git as backend but without the confusion)

changesView Changes in Files under Version Control.
create_repoCreate a Repository for Version Control
go_toGo to a Specified Record in the Version Control Timeline
ignoreIgnore (or unignore) files and folders from version control
print.timelineSets default print method for timeline
recordRecord Changes in Files under Version Control.
remind_meReminders to Record Your Work
retrieveRetrieve code from a past record
scrubRemove all unstaged changes
starlogShow repo history in starlogs
syncSyncronize Changes in Files under Version Control.
timelineShows the commit log
ropenscilabs/ozrepro documentation built on May 20, 2022, 10:43 a.m.