#' Get 'goodpractice' report on local source package
#' This uses a caching system to only generate new report if repository has been
#' updated, otherwise it returns locally cached version. It has a prefix of
#' `pkgcheck_` and not `pkgchk_` because it is structured differently to
#' standard `pkgchk_` checks, and this avoids any method confusion.
#' @inheritParams pkgcheck
#' @return A \pkg{goodpractice} report
#' @noRd
pkgcheck_gp_report <- function (path, use_cache, renv_activated) {
cache_pkgcheck_component (path, use_cache, renv_activated, "goodpractice")
#' return tick or cross
#' @noRd
summarise_gp_checks <- function (checks) {
if (methods::is (checks$goodpractice$rcmdcheck, "try-error")) {
cond <- attr (
) # the error condition
rcmd_errs <- paste0 (
"- ",
symbol_crs (),
" R CMD check process failed with message: '",
rcmd_warns <- NULL
} else {
nerr <- length (checks$goodpractice$rcmdcheck$errors)
if (nerr == 0) {
rcmd_errs <- paste0 (
"- ",
symbol_tck (),
" R CMD check found no errors."
} else {
rcmd_errs <- paste0 (
"- ",
symbol_crs (),
" R CMD check found ",
ifelse (nerr == 1,
" error.",
" errors."
nwarn <- length (checks$goodpractice$rcmdcheck$warnings)
if (nwarn == 0) {
rcmd_warns <- paste0 (
"- ",
symbol_tck (),
" R CMD check found no warnings."
} else {
rcmd_warns <- paste0 (
"- ",
symbol_crs (),
" R CMD check found ",
ifelse (nwarn == 1,
" warning.",
" warnings."
return (list (
rcmd_errs = rcmd_errs,
rcmd_warns = rcmd_warns
# No internal print method; pkgcheck uses default method from goodpractice
#' Convert goodpractice checks to markdown format
#' @param checks Result of main \link{pkgcheck} function
#' @param control A named list of parameters potentially including
#' `cyclocomp_threshold`, `covr_threshold`, and `covr_digits`, where
#' reports are generated for cyclocomplexity values above threshold, and
#' coverage values below threshold (given as percentage). `digits` controls the
#' number of digits printed in coverage reports.
#' @noRd
gp_checks_to_md <- function (checks,
control = list (
cyclocomp_threshold = 15,
covr_threshold = 70,
digits = 2
)) {
gp <- extract_gp_components (checks$goodpractice)
c (
"#### 3b. `goodpractice` results",
convert_gp_components (gp, control = control),
# ------------------------------------------
# ---------- Additional functions ----------
# ------------------------------------------
extract_gp_components <- function (gp) {
# -------------- covr:
# from covr::print.coverage
# https://github.com/r-lib/covr/blob/master/R/summary_functions.R
covr <- list ()
if (is.list (gp$covr)) {
covr <- gp$covr$coverage
group <- "filename"
by <- "line"
df <- covr::tally_coverage (covr, by = by)
percents <- tapply (df$value,
df [[group]],
FUN = function (x) (sum (x > 0) / length (x)) * 100
overall_percentage <- covr::percent_coverage (df, by = by)
covr <- c (
package = overall_percentage,
covr <- data.frame (
source = names (covr),
percent = as.numeric (covr),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# -------------- cyclocomp:
cyc <- gp$cyclocomp
# -------------- lintr:
lints <- list ()
if (!methods::is (gp$lintr, "try-error")) {
lint_file <- vapply (gp$lintr, function (i) i$filename, character (1))
lint_line <- vapply (gp$lintr, function (i) i$line_number, integer (1))
lint_type <- vapply (gp$lintr, function (i) i$type, character (1))
lint_message <- vapply (gp$lintr, function (i) i$message, character (1))
lints <- data.frame (
file = lint_file,
line = lint_line,
type = lint_type,
message = lint_message,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# lintr reports library calls in tests dir, which are okay
index <- which (grepl ("^tests", lints$file) &
grepl ("^Avoid library", lints$message))
lints <- lints [-index, ]
if (nrow (lints) == 0) {
lints <- list ()
# -------------- rcmdcheck:
r <- gp$rcmd
rcmd <- list ()
if (methods::is (r, "try-error")) {
rcmd$errors <- paste0 (r)
} else if (length (r) > 0) {
if (length (r$errors) > 0) {
rcmd$errors <- r$errors
if (length (r$warnings) > 0) {
rcmd$warnings <- r$warnings
if (length (r$notes) > 0) {
rcmd$notes <- r$notes
if (length (r$test_fail) > 0) {
rcmd$test_fails <- r$test_fail
} # note plural!
# -------------- any other components which fail:
checks <- vapply (
gp$checks, function (i) {
ret <- TRUE
if (is.logical (i) & length (i) == 1) {
ret <- i
return (ret)
logical (1)
fails <- names (checks [which (!checks)])
if (length (fails) > 0) {
rcmd$check_fails <- fails
# return result
res <- list (
package = unname (gp$package),
rcmd = rcmd,
covr = covr,
cyclocomp = cyc,
lint = lints
res <- res [which (vapply (res, length, integer (1)) > 0)]
#' Convert \pkg{goodpractice} components into templated report
#' @param x List of components of \pkg{goodpractice} report
#' @param control A named list of parameters potentially including
#' `cyclocomp_threshold`, `covr_threshold`, and `covr_digits`, where
#' reports are generated for cyclocomplexity values above threshold, and
#' coverage values below threshold (given as percentage). `digits` controls the
#' number of digits printed in coverage reports.
#' @return Markdown-formatted report of contents of `x`
#' @noRd
convert_gp_components <- function (x,
control = list (
cyclocomp_threshold = 15,
covr_threshold = 70,
digits = 2
)) {
rcmd <- rcmd_report (x)
covr <- covr_report (x, control)
cycl <- cyclo_report (x, control)
lint <- lintr_report (x)
return (c (rcmd, covr, cycl, lint))
rcmd_report <- function (x) {
ret <- c (
paste0 (
"#### `R CMD check` with [rcmdcheck]",
if (!"rcmd" %in% names (x)) {
return (c (
"rcmdcheck found no errors, warnings, or notes",
rcmd <- x$rcmd
if (methods::is (rcmd, "try-error")) {
return (rcmd)
ret <- c (ret, dump_one_rcmd_type (rcmd, "errors"))
ret <- c (ret, dump_one_rcmd_type (rcmd, "warnings"))
ret <- c (ret, dump_one_rcmd_type (rcmd, "notes"))
ret <- c (ret, dump_one_rcmd_type (rcmd, "test_fails"))
ret <- c (ret, dump_one_rcmd_type (rcmd, "check_fails"))
return (c (ret, ""))
dump_one_rcmd_type <- function (rcmd, type = "errors") {
ret <- NULL
if (!type %in% names (rcmd)) {
return (ret)
msg <- paste0 (
"R CMD check generated the following ",
gsub ("s$", "", type)
if (length (rcmd [[type]]) > 1) {
msg <- paste0 (msg, "s")
msg <- paste0 (msg, ":")
ret <- c (
for (i in seq.int (rcmd [[type]])) {
ret <- c (
paste0 (i, ". ", rcmd [[type]] [i])
ret <- c (ret, "")
return (ret)
covr_report <- function (x,
control = list (
cyclocomp_threshold = 15,
covr_threshold = 70,
digits = 2
)) {
res <- c (
"#### Test coverage with [covr](https://covr.r-lib.org/)",
if (!"covr" %in% names (x)) {
return (c (
"ERROR: Test Coverage Failed",
if (methods::is (x$covr, "try-error")) {
return (c (
paste0 (x$covr),
if ("covr_threshold" %in% names (control)) {
covr_threshold <- control$covr_threshold
} else {
covr_threshold <- 70
if ("digits" %in% names (control)) {
digits <- control$digits
} else {
digits <- 2
pkg_line <- which (x$covr$source == "package")
pkg_cov <- x$covr$percent [pkg_line]
covr <- x$covr [-pkg_line, ]
covr <- covr [covr$percent < covr_threshold, ]
res <- c (
paste0 ("Package coverage: ", round (pkg_cov, digits = digits))
if (pkg_cov >= covr_threshold) {
return (c (res, ""))
if (nrow (covr) > 0) {
res <- c (
"The following files are not completely covered by tests:",
"file | coverage",
"--- | ---"
for (i in seq.int (nrow (covr))) {
res <- c (
paste0 (
covr$source [i],
" | ",
round (covr$percent [i], digits = digits),
res <- c (res, "")
return (res)
cyclo_report <- function (x,
control = list (
cyclocomp_threshold = 15,
covr_threshold = 70,
digits = 2
)) {
if ("cyclocomp_threshold" %in% names (control)) {
cyc_thr <- control$cyclocomp_threshold
} else {
cyc_thr <- 15
cyc <- x$cyclocomp
ret <- c (
paste0 (
"#### Cyclocomplexity with [cyclocomp]",
if (methods::is (cyc, "try-error")) {
ret <- c (ret, paste0 (cyc))
} else {
cyc <- cyc [cyc$cyclocomp >= cyc_thr, ]
if (nrow (cyc) == 0) {
ret <- c (
paste0 ("No functions have cyclocomplexity >= ", cyc_thr)
} else {
msg <- "The following function"
if (nrow (cyc) > 1) {
msg <- paste0 (msg, "s")
msg <- paste0 (msg, " have cyclocomplexity >= ", cyc_thr, ":")
ret <- c (
"function | cyclocomplexity",
"--- | ---"
for (i in seq.int (nrow (cyc))) {
ret <- c (
paste0 (cyc$name [i], " | ", cyc$cyclocomp [i])
ret <- c (ret, "")
return (ret)
lintr_report <- function (x) {
ret <- c (
paste0 (
"#### Static code analyses with [lintr]",
if (is.null (x$lint)) {
return (c (
paste0 (
"[lintr](https://github.com/jimhester/lintr) ",
"found no issues with this package!"
msgs <- table (x$lint$message)
msgs <- data.frame (
message = names (msgs),
n = as.integer (msgs),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
ret <- c (
paste0 (
"[lintr](https://github.com/jimhester/lintr) ",
"found the following ",
sum (msgs$n),
" potential issues:"
"message | number of times",
"--- | ---"
for (i in seq.int (nrow (msgs))) {
ret <- c (
paste0 (msgs$message [i], " | ", msgs$n [i])
return (c (ret, ""))
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