# left_assign checks only appear as cross in summary, and have neither a print
# method, nor do they appear in markdown formatted reports.
#' Check that left-assignment operators are used consistently throughout a
#' package.
#' Left-assign operators recognised by R are: ("=", "<-", "<<-", ":="), as
#' defined in [the main grammar
#' definition](https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/trunk/src/main/gram.y).
#' This actually checks the following two conditions:
#' 1. Check that any "global assignment operators" ("<<-") are only used in
#' appropriate contexts; and
#' 2. Check that all left-assignment operators are consistent, so either all use
#' "=", or all use "<-", but do not mix these two symbols.
#' The `:=` operator is ignored in these checks.
#' @inheritParams pkg_uses_roxygen2
#' @return Named vector of 2 values tallying instances of usage of `<-` and `=`.
#' @noRd
pkgchk_left_assign <- function (checks) {
rdir <- fs::path (checks$pkg$path, "R")
if (!file.exists (rdir)) {
return (list (
global = FALSE,
usage = c (
"<-" = 0L,
"=" = 0L
rdir <- normalizePath (rdir)
flist <- list.files (rdir,
full.names = TRUE,
pattern = "\\.q$|\\.r$|\\.s$",
ignore.case = TRUE
assigns <- vapply (flist, function (i) {
p <- tryCatch (utils::getParseData (parse (i)),
error = function (e) NULL
assigns <- c (
":=" = 0L,
"<-" = 0L,
"<<-" = 0L,
"=" = 0L
if (is.null (p)) {
return (assigns)
la <- table (p$text [which (p$token == "LEFT_ASSIGN")])
if (":=" %in% names (la)) {
assigns [1] <- la [which (names (la) == ":=")]
if ("<-" %in% names (la)) {
assigns [2] <- la [which (names (la) == "<-")]
if ("<<-" %in% names (la)) {
assigns [3] <- la [which (names (la) == "<<-")]
if ("=" %in% names (la)) {
assigns [4] <- la [which (names (la) == "=")]
return (assigns)
integer (4),
assigns <- rm_global_assign_in_ref_class (assigns, checks)
assigns <- rm_global_assign_in_memoise (assigns, checks)
assigns <- rowSums (assigns)
# rm `:=`:
assigns <- assigns [which (!names (assigns) == ":=")]
out <- list (global = assigns [["<<-"]] > 0)
assigns <- assigns [names (assigns) != "<<-"]
out$usage <- assigns
return (out)
# Allow global assign in RefClass statement (#145)
rm_global_assign_in_ref_class <- function (assigns, checks) {
global_row <- which (rownames (assigns) == "<<-")
global <- assigns [global_row, ]
global <- global [global > 0L]
if (length (global) == 0L) {
return (assigns)
global <- data.frame (
file = gsub (checks$pkg$path, "", names (global)),
n = as.integer (global)
global$file <- gsub (paste0 ("^", .Platform$file.sep), "", global$file)
loc_stats <- utils::getFromNamespace ("loc_stats", "pkgstats")
get_ctags <- utils::getFromNamespace ("get_ctags", "pkgstats")
loc <- loc_stats (checks$pkg$path)
has_tabs <- any (loc$ntabs > 0L)
tags <- withr::with_dir (checks$pkg$path, get_ctags ("R", has_tabs))
tags <- tags [which (tags$file %in% global$file &
grepl ("RefClass", tags$content)), ]
if (nrow (tags) == 0L) {
return (assigns)
for (i in seq (nrow (tags))) {
f <- file.path (checks$pkg$path, tags$file [i])
if (!file.exists (f)) {
next # should never happen
code <- suppressWarnings (readLines (f))
code <- code [seq (tags$start [i], tags$end [i])]
code <- tryCatch (
utils::getParseData (parse (text = code)),
error = function (e) NULL
la <- table (code$text [which (code$token == "LEFT_ASSIGN")])
nglobal <- 0
if ("<<-" %in% names (la)) {
nglobal <- la [which (names (la) == "<<-")]
if (nglobal > 0L) {
col_num <- match (f, colnames (assigns))
assigns [global_row, col_num] <- assigns [global_row, col_num] - nglobal
return (assigns)
# Remove any memoise global assigns in `.onLoad` fucntions (#167)
rm_global_assign_in_memoise <- function (assigns, checks) {
global_row <- which (rownames (assigns) == "<<-")
global <- assigns [global_row, ]
global <- global [global > 0]
if (length (global) == 0L) {
return (assigns)
global <- data.frame (
file = gsub (checks$pkg$path, "", names (global)),
n = as.integer (global)
global$file <- gsub (paste0 ("^", .Platform$file.sep), "", global$file)
loc_stats <- utils::getFromNamespace ("loc_stats", "pkgstats")
get_ctags <- utils::getFromNamespace ("get_ctags", "pkgstats")
loc <- loc_stats (checks$pkg$path)
has_tabs <- any (loc$ntabs > 0L)
tags <- withr::with_dir (checks$pkg$path, get_ctags ("R", has_tabs))
tags <- tags [which (tags$file %in% global$file), ]
for (f in unique (tags$file)) {
f_full <- fs::path (checks$pkg$path, f)
tags_f <- tags [which (tags$file == f), ]
onload_i <- which (tags_f$tag == ".onLoad")
if (length (onload_i == 1L)) {
onload_index <- seq (tags_f$start [onload_i], tags_f$end [onload_i])
tags_in_onload <- tags_f [tags_f$start %in% onload_index, ]
memoise_assign <- grep ("<<\\-\\s?memoise", tags_in_onload$content)
col_num <- match (f_full, colnames (assigns))
assigns [global_row, col_num] <- assigns [global_row, col_num] - length (memoise_assign)
return (assigns)
output_pkgchk_global_assign <- function (checks) {
out <- list (
check_pass = !checks$checks$left_assign$global,
summary = "",
print = ""
) # no print method
if (!out$check_pass) {
out$summary <- "Package uses global assignment operator ('<<-')."
return (out)
output_pkgchk_left_assign <- function (checks) {
la <- checks$checks$left_assign$usage # tally of [`<-`, `=`]
out <- list (
check_pass = any (la == 0),
summary = "",
print = ""
) # no print method
if (!out$check_pass) {
out$summary <- paste0 (
"Package uses inconsistent assignment operators (",
la [names (la) == "<-"], " '<-' and ",
la [names (la) == "="], " '=')."
return (out)
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