#' Convert checks to markdown-formatted report
#' @param checks Result of main \link{pkgcheck} function
#' @param render If `TRUE`, render output as `html` document and open in
#' browser.
#' @return Markdown-formatted version of check report
#' @family extra
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' checks <- pkgcheck ("/path/to/my/package")
#' md <- checks_to_markdown (checks) # markdown-formatted character vector
#' md <- checks_to_markdown (checks, render = TRUE) # HTML version
#' }
checks_to_markdown <- function (checks, render = FALSE) {
md_chks <- summarise_all_checks (checks)
md_out <- c (
paste0 (
"## Checks for [", checks$pkg$name,
" (v", checks$pkg$version, ")](",
checks$pkg$url, ")"
paste0 (
"git hash: [",
substring (checks$info$git$HEAD, 1, 8),
paste0 ("Package License: ", checks$pkg$license),
md_out <- c (
srr_checks_to_md (checks)
# sec_nun is (1, 2) for (srr, non-srr) packages
sec_num <- as.integer (!is.null (checks$info$srr)) + 1
deps_rep <- pkgdeps_format (checks, sec_num)
sec_num <- sec_num + 1
stats_rep <- pkgstats_format (checks, sec_num)
md_out <- c (
pkg_network (checks, sec_num),
paste0 (
"### ",
sec_num + 1,
". `goodpractice` and other checks"
has_gp <- "goodpractice" %in% names (checks)
if (has_gp) {
md_out <- c (
paste0 (
"<summary>Details of goodpractice checks ",
"(click to open)</summary>"
print_check (checks, "ci"),
gp_checks_to_md (checks),
} else {
md_out <- c (
"('goodpractice' not included with these checks)"
extra <- extra_check_prints_from_env (checks)
has_extra <- length (extra$env) > 0L | sum (misc_check_counts (checks)) > 0L
if (has_extra) {
e <- env2namespace ("pkgcheck")
md_out <- c (
paste0 ("### ", sec_num + 2, ". Other Checks"),
paste0 (
"<summary>Details of other checks ",
"(click to open)</summary>"
extras <- misc_check_counts (checks)
extras <- extras [which (extras > 0L)]
for (ex in names (extras)) {
md_out <- c (
print_check_md (
env2namespace ("pkgcheck")
for (e in extra$env) {
for (p in extra$prints) {
md_out <- c (
print_check_md (checks, p, e)
md_out <- c (
v <- data.frame (
package = names (checks$meta),
version = checks$meta,
row.names = NULL,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
md_out <- c (
"<summary>Package Versions</summary>",
knitr::kable (v),
if (render) {
render_md2html (md_out, open = TRUE)
} else {
i0 <- grep ("^The following terminology is used", md_out)
i1 <- grep ("^\\-\\s", md_out)
i1 <- i1 [i1 > i0] [1]
i2 <- which (!nzchar (md_out))
i2 <- i2 [i2 > i1] [1]
if (length (i2) == 1L) {
md_out <- c (
md_out [1:(i2 - 1)],
paste0 (
"All parameters are explained as tooltips in ",
"the locally-rendered HTML version of this ",
"report generated by [the ",
"`checks_to_markdown()` function]",
md_out [i2:length (md_out)]
attr (md_out, "checks_okay") <- attr (md_chks, "checks_okay")
attr (md_out, "is_noteworthy") <- attr (stats_rep, "is_noteworthy")
attr (md_out, "network_file") <- checks$info$network_file
attr (md_out, "srr_report_file") <- checks$info$srr$report_file
return (md_out)
#' Summarise dependencies usage
#' @param checks Result of main \link{pkgcheck} function
#' @param sec_num Section numbering to use (1 for non-srr packages; otherwise
#' 2).
#' @return Summary of dependency usage as formatted string
#' @noRd
pkgdeps_format <- function (checks, sec_num) {
deps <- pkgdeps_as_table (checks)
import_note <- NULL
imported_fns <- deps [deps$type == "imports", ]
if (any (is.na (imported_fns$ncalls))) {
subs <- c ("Some", "no")
if (all (is.na (imported_fns$ncalls))) {
subs <- c ("No", "")
import_note <- c (
paste0 (
"**NOTE:** ",
subs [1],
" imported packages appear to have ",
subs [2],
" associated function calls; please ensure with author ",
"that these 'Imports' are listed appropriately."
external_fns <- pkgfns_as_details (checks)
deps_rep <- c (
paste0 ("### ", sec_num, ". Package Dependencies"),
paste0 (
"<summary>Details of Package Dependency Usage ",
"(click to open)</summary>"
paste0 (
"The table below tallies all function calls to all packages ",
"('ncalls'), both internal (r-base + recommended, along with ",
"the package itself), and external (imported and suggested ",
"packages). 'NA' values indicate packages to which no ",
"identified calls to R functions could be found. Note that ",
"these results are generated by an automated code-tagging ",
"system which may not be entirely accurate."
knitr::kable (deps, row.names = FALSE),
pkgfns_as_details (checks),
return (deps_rep)
#' Format \pkg{pkgstats} data
#' @inheritParams pkgdeps_format
#' @param checks Result of main \link{pkgcheck} function
#' @param sec_num Section numbering to use (1 for non-srr packages; otherwise
#' 2).
#' @return Report as formatted string
#' @noRd
pkgstats_format <- function (checks, sec_num) {
is_noteworthy <- any (checks$info$pkgstats$noteworthy == "TRUE")
note <- ifelse (is_noteworthy,
paste0 (
"This package features some noteworthy ",
"statistical properties which may need to be ",
"clarified by a handling editor prior to ",
paste0 (
"The statistical properties of this package are ",
"all within expected ranges."
stats_rep <- c (
paste0 ("### ", sec_num, ". Statistical Properties"),
paste0 (
"<summary>Details of statistical properties ",
"(click to open)</summary>"
"The package has:",
pkg_stat_desc (checks),
paste0 (
"Statistical properties of package structure as ",
"distributional percentiles in relation to all ",
"current CRAN packages"
"The following terminology is used:",
"- `loc` = \"Lines of Code\"",
"- `fn` = \"function\"",
"- `exp`/`not_exp` = exported / not exported",
paste0 (
"The final measure (`fn_call_network_size`) is ",
"the total number of calls between functions (in ",
"R), or more abstract relationships between code ",
"objects in other languages. Values are flagged ",
"as \"noteworthy\" when they lie in the upper or ",
"lower 5th percentile."
knitr::kable (checks$info$pkgstats,
row.names = FALSE,
digits = c (NA, 0, 1, NA)
attr (stats_rep, "is_noteworthy") <- is_noteworthy
return (stats_rep)
#' Initial description of structural properties of package
#' @param checks Result of main \link{pkgcheck} function
#' @noRd
pkg_stat_desc <- function (checks) {
stats <- checks$info$pkgstats
loc <- attr (stats, "language")
files <- attr (stats, "files")
loc_pc <- gsub (".*\\:\\s?", "", loc)
langs <- gsub ("\\:.*$", "", loc)
files <- gsub (".*\\:\\s?", "", files)
langs <- paste0 (langs, " (", loc_pc, " in ", files, " files)")
code <- paste0 ("- code in ", langs [1])
langs <- langs [-1]
langs_first <- ""
langs_last <- langs [length (langs)]
if (length (langs) > 1) {
langs_first <- paste0 (
", ",
paste0 (langs [-length (langs)],
collapse = ", "
out <- paste0 (code, langs_first, " and ", langs_last)
s <- checks$pkg$summary
summarise_one <- function (s, what, pre_text, type) {
ifelse (s [[what]] == 0L,
paste0 ("- no ", pre_text, " ", type),
paste0 (
"- ", s [[what]], " ", pre_text, " ",
ifelse (s [[what]] == 1L,
paste0 (type, "s")
out <- c (
paste0 ("- ", s$num_authors, " authors"),
summarise_one (s, "num_vignettes", "", "vignette"),
summarise_one (s, "num_data", "internal", "data file"),
summarise_one (s, "imported_pkgs", "imported", "package"),
summarise_one (s, "num_exported_fns", "exported", "function")
if (length (s$loc_exported_fns) > 0L) {
out [length (out)] <- paste0 (
out [length (out)],
" (median ",
" lines of code)"
out <- c (
summarise_one (
s, "num_non_exported_fns",
out [length (out)] <- paste0 (out [length (out)], " in R")
if (length (s$num_non_exported_fns) > 0L) {
out [length (out)] <- paste0 (
out [length (out)],
" (median ",
" lines of code)"
if (s$num_src_fns > 0L) {
lang_names <- gsub ("\\s.*$", "", langs)
out <- c (
paste0 (
summarise_one (
" (median ",
" lines of code)"
return (out)
#' Output text and URL link to function call network as 'vis.js' file.
#' @param checks Result of main \link{pkgcheck} function
#' @param sec_num Section numbering to use (1 for non-srr packages; otherwise
#' 2).
#' @noRd
pkg_network <- function (checks, sec_num) {
out <- c (
paste0 ("### ", sec_num, "a. Network visualisation"),
if (!"network_file" %in% names (checks$info)) {
return (c (
paste0 (
"This package contains no internal function calls, ",
"and therefore no function call network"
cache_dir <- Sys.getenv ("PKGCHECK_CACHE_DIR")
visjs_dir <- fs::path (cache_dir, "static") # in api.R
if (!dir.exists (visjs_dir)) {
dir.create (visjs_dir, recursive = TRUE)
flist <- list.files (
pattern = paste0 (checks$pkg$name, "_pkgstats"),
full.names = TRUE
if (!checks$info$network_file %in% flist) {
unlink (flist, recursive = TRUE)
if (!dir.exists (visjs_dir)) {
dir.create (visjs_dir, recursive = TRUE)
visjs_ptn <- basename (checks$info$network_file)
visjs_ptn <- tools::file_path_sans_ext (visjs_ptn)
flist <- list.files (dirname (checks$info$network_file),
pattern = visjs_ptn,
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE
file.copy (flist, visjs_dir, recursive = TRUE)
return (c (
visjs_description (checks)
#' Default "click to see ..." instructions for `visjs` output, but modified if
#' generated by `pkgcheck-action` on GitHub runners to explain how to view
#' output (#127). Relies on detecting envvars:
#' https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/environment-variables
#' @noRd
visjs_description <- function (checks) {
if (Sys.getenv ("GITHUB_ACTIONS") == "true") {
gh_repo <- Sys.getenv ("GITHUB_REPOSITORY")
orgrepo <- strsplit (gh_repo, "\\/") [[1]]
org <- utils::tail (orgrepo, 2) [1]
repo <- utils::tail (orgrepo, 1)
msg <- paste0 (
"[latest 'pkgcheck' action](",
"https://github.com", org, "/", repo,
res <- paste0 (
"An interactive visualisation of calls between objects in ",
"the package has been uploaded as a workflow artefact. To view ",
"it, click on results from the ", msg, ", scroll to ",
"the bottom, and click on the 'visual-network' artefact."
} else {
# nocov start
network_file <- Sys.getenv (
res <- paste0 (
"Click to see the [interactive network visualisation of calls ",
"between objects in package](",
# nocov end
return (res)
#' render markdown-formatted input into 'html'
#' @param md Result of \link{checks_to_markdown} function.
#' @param open If `TRUE`, open `hmtl`-rendered version in web browser.
#' @return (invisible) Location of `.html`-formatted version of input.
#' @family extra
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' checks <- pkgcheck ("/path/to/my/package")
#' # Generate standard markdown-formatted character vector:
#' md <- checks_to_markdown (checks)
#' # Directly generate HTML output:
#' h <- checks_to_markdown (checks, render = TRUE) # HTML version
#' # Or convert markdown-formatted version to HTML:
#' h <- render_md2html (md)
#' }
render_md2html <- function (md, open = TRUE) {
md <- gsub ("\\:heavy\\_check\\_mark\\:", "✅", md)
md <- gsub ("\\:heavy\\_multiplication\\_x\\:", "❌", md)
md <- gsub ("\\:eyes\\:", "👀", md)
md <- add_stats_tooltips (md)
f <- tempfile (pattern = "pkgcheck")
f_md <- paste0 (f, ".Rmd")
f_html <- paste0 (f, ".html")
writeLines (md, con = f_md)
output_fmt <- rmarkdown::html_document (pandoc_args = list ("--wrap=preserve"))
rmarkdown::render (f_md, output_format = output_fmt, output_file = f_html)
if (open) {
utils::browseURL (f_html)
invisible (f_html)
add_stats_tooltips <- function (md) {
md <- c (
"$(document).ready(function(){", # nolint
" $('[tooltip=\"tooltip\"]').tooltip();", # nolint
stats_start <- grep ("\\|measure", md) + 1
stats_end <- grep ("^\\-\\-\\-$", md)
stats_end <- stats_end [which (stats_end > stats_start)] [1]
index <- grep ("^\\|[[:alpha:]]", md [stats_start:stats_end])
index <- stats_start + index - 1
tips <- tooltip_dictionary ()
for (i in index) {
ptn <- regmatches (md [i], regexpr ("\\w+", md [i]))
if (!ptn %in% tips$what) {
tip <- tips$tooltip [tips$what == ptn]
md [i] <- gsub (
paste0 (
"<a tooltip='tooltip' ",
"title='", tip, "'>",
ptn, "</a>"
md [i]
return (md)
tooltip_dictionary <- function () {
out <- rbind (
c (
"Number of files in R directory"
c (
"Number of files in src directory"
c (
"Number of files in inst directory"
c (
"Number of files in vignettes directory"
c (
"Number of files in tests directory"
c (
paste0 (
"Lines of code (excluding documentation and empty lines) ",
"in R directory"
c (
paste0 (
"Lines of code (excluding documentation and empty lines) ",
"in src directory"
c (
paste0 (
"Lines of code (excluding documentation and empty lines) ",
"in inst directory"
c (
paste0 (
"Lines of code (excluding documentation and empty lines) ",
"in vignettes directory"
c (
paste0 (
"Lines of code (excluding documentation and empty lines) ",
"in tests directory"
c (
"Number of vignettes"
c (
"Total number of exported and non-exported R functions"
c (
"Total number of exported R functions"
c (
"Total number of non-exported R functions"
c (
"Total number of exported and non-exported src functions"
c (
"Median number of functions per R source file"
c (
"Median number of functions per src source file"
c (
"Median number of parameters per exported R function"
c (
"Median number of lines of code for each R function"
c (
"Median number of lines of code for each src function"
c (
"Median number of lines of code for each exported R function"
c (
"Median number of lines of code for each non-exported R function"
c (
"Relative proportion of white characters within each R code line"
c (
"Relative proportion of white characters within each src code line"
c (
"Relative proportion of white characters within each inst code line"
c (
"Relative proportion of white characters within each vignette line"
c (
"Relative proportion of white characters within each test line"
c (
paste0 (
"Median number of lines of documentation for ",
"each exported R function"
c (
paste0 (
"Median number of lines of documentation for ",
"each non-exported R function"
c (
"Total number of calls from one package function to another"
data.frame (
what = out [, 1],
tooltip = out [, 2],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
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